The dress is turning out to be a sweetheart of a dress! You know how I mentioned how easily it's coming together?!

Yep, it came apart just as easily. Twice... and... It fits her even better the third time you rip the waistband out and put it back in.

This was Saturday afternoon before the zipper was put in. The side is just pinned together and looks a little weird.
The status as of last night, the zipper has been handsewn in for accuracy, which still isn't as accurate as I'd like, but oh well... I'm NOT going to pull it out again! Maddy will just have to keep her arm down... Make it an Irish dance!
It's not THAT bad... I jest.I need to refit her again to check on the hem. The waist was supposed to be gathered in specific spots, but it looked wonky on her, so I pulled it off and just made it a gentle gathering all the way around. I measured for the hem when it was still wonky... So that will need to be checked.

Will be working tonight to make the trim to go around the top of it. We tried gathered and pleated. Above is the gathered example. It kind of looks costumey. When we were at church yesterday, we found the exact pleats on a ladies sweater there and she even took it off for me to examine. NOW I know what it's supposed to look like and I made a prototype last night, but it's going to take a LOT of ironing and precision to pull it off. I'm hoping I can find an easy how to online today.

This was my first attempt before I saw the sweater example. The pleats are too wide. I need to make them skinnier.
Anyone know of any tutorials out there to show you how to make them? It's supposed to look something like this... but different.
I am extremely jealous that you can make something that looks so great!
I can not sew. At all. But I like to look at what other people make and turn green with envy!
Beautiful! So seriously when are you opening that store??? :-)
It looks great! Can't wait to see it with the trim.
Can't wait to see the finish dress!
I would pin the trim down the width you want the 'pleats' to be, steam it but with only light contact from the iron so those suckers aren't flattened, then run the stitching through the middle.
As for attaching said trim to dress? Another line of stitching through previous stitching(stitching in the ditch as it were)?
Are you looking for a controlled chaos on the gathering? I think that's what you want....uniform pleats but not knife pleats, something with some lift to it?
Oh, it's so beautiful! I love the trim that you are going to put on it. I did something very similar on some zipper wallets I made at xmas, but I didn't use a tutorial... just ironed the crap out of it to get it to stay and then sewed. Can't wait to see it done! :)
This is so beautiful! I cannot sew at all, so your talent is amazing to me!
You are a nice sewer. I sew with cotton or denim. I have never sewn with silk. Last week I made a bedroom curtain.
so preeeeety...
You're amazing McVal!
nightie-night, passed my bedtime, off to bed now!
that dress is really lovely
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