I'm starting a pool.
Not the kind I helped dig in my best friends yard when I was 8 and her dad found us all muddy enjoying the summer in it. He almost killed us and then made us fill it back in... It was Vonda's fault. Not Valerie or myself.
Yes... my best friends name was Valerie too. We liked to confuse people... Vonda was her older sister and SHOULD have been responsible. But I believe it was her idea.
Ok ok, the watery thing I'm starting is a pool on when my grandson will be born. Here are a few facts. Tiffany's real due date is February 22nd. She had some major false labor 9 days ago. Also if you've given birth, then you may know what I'm talking about when I say a major event happened on Wednesday, 2 days ago.
That means any day now. Birth is eminent. However things have calmed down... She's definitely in the mood to have this baby though and is trying everything in the book to go into labor early because she is miserable.
So you've got between now and when the baby is born to place your bets. Oh and you need to be a follower of me! The winner will receive this little girl's fleece cap that I made one too many of. I can't give my grandson because babies don't ship well and I just won't hear of it.

So be a follower of me and put a comment below on when (date and time) you think Leon will be born. The closest to the actual birth time will win the hat!
Good luck and Happy Guesstating!
10am February 14th, poor girl I bet she is ready to explode! Hang in there sweetie and good luck ( you too Val)
We just did this for Rebekah. She makes us do it this far in advance (due June 29th). Anyway, I'm going with February 15th (Rebekah's birthday)at 5:30 pm. Tell her to hang in there!
This is soooooo EXCITING, I have never been in a baby pool. If I win can I have the baby instead of the hat?
I'm guessing Feb. 19th!
It's gotta be the 17th!!!
Woohoo, I've just gotta feelin' here!
The hat is precious!
God bless ya sweetie and have a fantabulous weekend!!! :o)
tonight 2/10 at 9:30 pm
Since everyone is going so soon, I'll be really random; 2-12 at 2:12. How's that for random!
How 'bout Feb 17th at 4:19 PM...yep...final answer!
Oh, are we talking plugs now?lol
Sunday is a great day for birthin!
I had mine on Thursday, Friday and Sunday. 2/12 at 1:15pm.
Go take her on a real fast ride down a real bumpy road(an ATV on a rough trail would be perfect) and then go make her trampoline for an hour and then a big meal of really spicy Mexican or Thai food.
Those 3 things should do the trick. 8-)
Um...2/11 at 4 pm. :)
Good luck to your family! I don't need any girl's hats so I'll admire from afar.
Hum, I guess I have to guess again....2/22/12 at 2:22
2/14/2012 @3:50 am
2/19 at noon!
Unless she has this baby by midnight tonight, I'll have to guess again.
This time I'll go with Ethan's birthday February 20 at 4:22.
I'm stickin' to the 17th...final answer!
18th sounds good , maybe 3pm ?
FEb. 17th....3:27am
Sorry to do this to ya but this baby is coming in the wee early hours of the morning....lol
Okay...try again...Wednesday the 22nd at 2:30. PM. SHEESH!
Well, I'm just realizing her due date is the 22nd. It's her first. No one goes early, do they? Not in our family. So I will be going with February 25. I would say the 29th, but she might hate me then.
Ok I am going to guess again. This time I am going for 2/24 at 10:14 in the morning
Ok I am going to guess again. This time I am going for 2/24 at 10:14 in the morning
Maybe being late is good, right?
02/23/12 10:30a.m.
Third times a charm!
tonight around 10:00 p.m.
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