At 45 (hypothetically of course) you need sleep. A lot of it. You know... at least 5 hours on a decent bed. Couches are not a good substitute or a trip to the chiropractor is in your future. And it's such a good thing I'm partially deaf and our bedroom door is good and solid. Meri has been camping out at Maddy's room in the basement...
Anyway... I finally cracked open some paints this weekend and nailed Maddy down on what type of design we're going to paint on this $8000 dress! We're not going to do the large flowers that are on the original design. While we were looking for ideas last night, she suddenly said, "HEY! I love the movie Tangled! What about...."
Then she clicked and clacked on my keyboard. (she was sitting on my lap) (my rocking chair that she usually uses has been moved to the baby areas of the house) After my legs had lost all feeling she suddenly sprang upon a google image that she declared AHA to.
Now I've only seen bits and pieces of this movie, but have seen this little portion of it. Something about tons and tons of lanterns lighting up the sky. Here is one of the pictures she found.

Unfortunately the only paints I had in the house last night were primary color poster paints. I need to make up some better stencils and come up with a plan but my testing so far looks kind of cool. Not appropriate for a prom dress, but kind of cool. This is not THE yellow fabric for the dress but just some yellow stuff I had in my stash. Oh and I've GOT to remember to put newspaper underneath when I paint again...

I hope you get some sleep soon!
And I think the dress will be cool...that picture she's going off of is pretty.
MiMi practically took the words right out of my mouth. Everything's going to work out just fine. :D
Love that last photo!
But I'm still nervous about the dress.
What Mark said...
Love the grandma picture.
I had my last child at 32...and I felt old then! lol The lack of sleep made me nuts! Good luck with the dress!
I can't wait to see the finished dress, I'm sure it will top last years!
I just want to squeeze little Leon! Too cute!
Oh my! You're going to paint on the dress? Eeek. I'd be so scared.
Oh my! You're going to paint on the dress? Eeek. I'd be so scared.
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