No puppies yet. However Ellie is really showing... Don't need a "Puppies on board" tee for HER! She'd chew it off anyway...
Got the hems and gems sewn into the gown yesterday. All that is left is to sew on her belt. She had a breakthrough, she calls it, on what to do for that Saturday. So I'll try and get that wrapped up tonight so she can take it to a friends and try it on for them.

Prom stuff is heating up this week with events to do almost every night this week for the Junior parents to get ready. I'm not sure which I'm going to be doing... but we'll see what I can fit in. Saturday night I'll be up all night helping out with the after prom party. Teaching Sunday school the next day should be a hoot!
Got some curtains to revamp for a friend and THEN I can start it on Maddy's wardrobe for Girls State.
She got the honor of getting to go this year! I guess it's kind of like Mock Trial in Middle school. Girls State is a mock government. She'll be staying on a nearby college campus for a week with tons of girls from all over the state and learning more than she ever wanted to know about government. She needs to dress professionally. So I imagine lots of skirts, blouses and jackets. I'll have to check their list again about what she should be bringing...
I haven't planned anything for all my free time after that. But as it happens with extra money too... something will come up to use it.
Found out there is a dog snatcher around these parts... According to my daughter, who heard it from a teacher, who heard it from the police... someone is snatching dogs and using them in illegal dog fights. Just thinking about it makes me very uneasy this week and I am making sure all the doors are locked securely. It's not like I'm against them taking a dog or three... But I don't want to deal with the family heartache if one is taken.
This weekend was a blur. Sewing meetings, shopping, bridal shower, church potluck, sewing and a relaxing visit to a friends. I think I ate too much.
I'd better get back to work. Today is already hopping!
You really know how to drag out the suspense on this prom dress. ;)
I see the gems! Okay, I made the picture bigger, but I saw em.
Another pregnancy? I wonder who'll be pregnant next! LOL
You need a break in the worst way!
And seriously, they're stealing dogs? What kind of neighborhood do you live in anyway?
Oh my goodness. You make me tired just reading about your whirl of activity! Can't wait to see the dress, the puppies, everything!
I always get tired reading your posts! lol Can't wait for Prom Pictures!
K, I'll keep my judgments to myself until after the prom pictures have been posted. Though I have to say that the fabric that you picked isn't dirty looking as the inspiration photo.
"I haven't planned anything for all my free time after that."-Seriously dear-you don't have free time! Your life is lived at a sprint.
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