Leon went to school today. He didn't get out of the car, but looked adorable to the two girls who got to peek at him through the window. Tiffany started some new meds and she was wiped out this morning, so she asked that Meri and I watch him for an hour so she could get a little more sleep.

We have a box of used baby boy clothes sitting in our living room for such an event as this. So I dressed him up in clothes only a grandmother would dress him in.
Seer-sucker, collared, short-sleeved outfit with little bears driving race cars emblazoned on the front.
It's totally 80s...
Well, I had to dress him in something! He was nekkid except for his diaper when I brought him downstairs!!
So Meri and I changed, fed, burped and cooed with him interchangeably while we got ready for the day and ate breakfast.

Then when I got back from dropping her off, I stuck him back in the vibrating bouncy seat and set it in his crib exactly where I found it and him. I think he's down for a couple more hours...
It's going to be a good day!
Having babies around keeps you young right?
What? No pictures of Leon?
I'm with Annie!
Yes, I'm believing that last phrase with all my heart. ;)
What a great grandma you are by letting his mama sleep some more!
What a great grammy you are! I remember being wiped out from no sleep! I know Tiffany appreciates you! I agree that we need a pic of Leon in that outfit!
Totally awesome, dude! OK that's all the 80 speak you get out of me.
Could he be any cuter?
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