Oh well.
Meri will be skipping out on Taekwondo tonight as she got a better offer. She gets to attend the rehearsal of a children's choir with her voice teacher (a friend from church). Sounds like a fun time! But I've got testing coming up soon, so I better get kicking at class... Sometimes I feel old.

This is Meri's Children's Choir that she was honored to participate in in February.
The prom dress is DONE!!!! Woohoo!!!! I sewed on the belt last night and Maddy tried it on with her shoes, feeling very princessy. I'm looking forward to Saturday night with her hair all done up with her date!
Meri and I checked out symptoms online of how to tell if your dog is in labor. There is NO way I'm taking that dogs temperature the way they suggested! So we'll wing it again. Worked out great last time!
Meri and I mowed last night. I really need to get some Weed & Feed going on our lawn. There are only about 2 other lawns in town worse than mine in terms of dandelions... And to think we only cancelled our lawn service JUST last year! You'd think it had never seen a professional from the looks of it...
I miss my husband... He's been in Cougartown since Friday and I don't like being a single parent at all! Hi Hon! Come home sooner than scheduled??! k? He's playing computer games with two of his high school buds in a retirement community in Arkansas. They do this every year. Apparently it's beautiful down there and he's looking for a camera so he can entice us to vacation there some year. I think he still remembers we're only in our 40s... right? But not ALL of Arkansas is a retirement area I guess. I've been teasing him that all the little old ladies of the area will come swooping in on their condo plying them with casseroles. Ah time shares! The fun you can have with them!
Ok. Since I have to come up with meal ideas by myself... What would you make for a family where some will not eat red meat, some will not eat veggies and you've got 3 chicken breasts, a lb of hamburger, rice & potatoes and various other veggies and canned goods in the house? I guess the options are limitless, but in my mind, I'm stumped. We did homemade pizza last night and tacos the night before... Oh and here's another stumper... No one will be eating at the same time... I'm thinking "Needs Salt Casserole" in the crock pot...
What are YOU having for supper? I need an inspiration.
I'd put the ingredients out on the counter and call it "Cook & Fend for Yourself Night" and then take myself for take-out. ;-)
I'm not much help here....was suppose to make Beef Pie(like shepherd's pie but with cornbread instead of mash taters on top)but I took a nap but I had picked up gourmet burgers, so I'll pull a bag of frozen veg. outta the freezer and call it good.
What's "courgartown"? I'm imagining a town filled with older women just waiting pounce on your man. Am I close?
Congrats on finishing that dress! We should all feel "princessy".
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