One of her friends did her hair EARLY that morning and it took 2 hours to get this look... and about 3 pounds of hairspray. It's amazing how many ideas you get from Pinterest!
From what Maddy told me, she showed her friend about 10 different hairstyles from Pinterest and then said that she wants hers to be a combo of them all.
Sort of a Grecian feel to it and about 10 feet of ribbon.
Her date arrived and she tried to draw blood with the boutonniere. It was a black suit... You wouldn't have seen it.
Her date is a Sophomore friend from band.
Putting her corsage on was a lot easier than pinning!
The two couples had dinner at Mad's friends house with china, crystal glasses, the works!
What a great looking couple! If I do say so myself!
I visited with the mom while the kids ate. Meri sat on the couch and explained Lord Of The Rings to the friends dad. It was either that or Malcolm In The Middle... "Why is that mom so angry with her kids all the time?" It was easier to explain that the guy with pointy ears was a good guy.
Then the Grand March! It was a Red Carpet affair with one of the school principals and a teacher acting like reporters grilling them about where they ate and what was their favorite movie or song. Do you know how many kids had chicken that night? And how many's favorite song is "I'm sexy and I know it?" Silly kids... This group did have chicken, but they chose the movie Inception as their favorite movie. It's amazing they didn't go with her dates favorite of Mega-Shark vs Giant-Octopus...
Robb was just surprised they didn't choose the obvious smash hits...
1) "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" - Trace Adkins
2) "How can I miss you, if you won't go away?" - The Huntingtons
3) "She's got freckles on her butt, she's purdy!" - The Vagabonds, variation of lyrics by Robb... that he has sung to her since she was a baby.
4) "I Been Roped And Thrown By Jesus In The Holy Ghost Corral " - artist unknown
5) "They May Put Me In Prison, But They Can't Stop My Face From Breakin' Out" - artist again unknown... or just in hiding.
They had to stop at various places during the march so all the parents could get some good shots from various angles.
The after prom party started at midnight. All the kids changed into comfy clothes and enjoyed TONS of food, casino night gambling, musical chairs, minute to win it games, WII dancing, Cash Cube and below, Maddy is avoiding my camera while she wins $50 in Bingo.
Her date's younger brother is in Meri's class. So Meri came home yesterday saying that she heard Maddy has a gambling problem but it's ok because she usually always won. Maddy came home with gift cards, money, t-shirt, etc. Her date won nothing... She felt bad.
Anyway... My story of prom weekend... Early Friday morning I got an emergency call from work around 4:30am. I didn't get back to sleep. Friday night, I got another emergency call from the same client at 11:30 and then again as soon as I got back to sleep again, at 1:30am, which kept me up the rest of the night. So long about 6:30 am or so Saturday, I finally laid down for a 2 hour nap, where upon my cell phone rang again... I went back to work for another couple hours. No other sleep that afternoon. I did try, but it wasn't working.
After we visited Maddy's friends house to get the pics we wanted of the young couples, we went out to eat and then back to the high school for the Grand March. Afterwards I went home and slept for another 1.5 hours. So I went into the After Prom with 2 cold bottles of DDP (Diet Dr Pepper). My part of the evening consisted of handing out chunks of fake money as the kids arrived for them to gamble with. And to keep an eye out for the lucky kids who had won a chance to get into the Cash Cube.
When all the kids arrived and the doors were locked, I had some food, gossiped with some other parents and then hung out at the Minute To Win It with a neighbor lady, retrieving tennis balls. As soon as the kids went into the auditorium at 3 to see the magic show, the rest of us worked hard to get things put away and get the high school back into some semblance of order, then I needed to leave before I fell down.
Not sure if this is indicative of how the other mothers perceive me... but as I left, I called out, "Goodnight ladies!" and they said nothing. They were engrossed in a video of all the kids baby pictures... So that may have been it... Maybe not. I've been kind of a slacker when it's come to this event. It's been a crazy spring so far.
Anyway.. .It's over!!!! And have I got other news for you!!! But that's my teaser for tomorrow...
Maddy's beautiful and her dress is, too! Sorry you didn't get much sleep, but it looks like the kids had a great time.
I wish we'd had that kind of after-prom party. Ours always consisted of a kegger in the woods somewhere. Fun in it's own way, but foolish -- and no chance to win anything cool.
She looks beautiful and all my worrying was for nothing! The dress is gorgeous, good job!
And now you know how I felt when I was finally done selling Girl Scout Cookies.
The dress turned out lovely, the hair beautiful, you solved the problems of the computer but no puppies? I was hoping for puppies ;o) jk,jk,jk,jk....
Such a pretty dress! You did a great job. I love her hair, too.
She is simply beautiful! I love her grecian hair and have been toying with the idea of that kind of look for Flyboys wedding next year on a smaller scale. Sound like you are a fantastic Mummy to me - you do it all:)
Loved seeing and hearing all about it!
Gorgeous hair, dress, girl! What a fun and fantastic evening. So nice that it's a family event. Alas, it doesn't seem to go that way here.
PS...There is no way you've been a slacker. Look at all you did. I'd have called in sick after the 2nd phone call. ☺
Maybe DDP is your secret. You just seem to be able to do everything with little time and no sleep!
Maddy and her dress were perfect!
Beautiful girl, beautiful dress, amazing mom :-) Looks like a night to remember!
I would have been a slacker and left too! lol LOVE the dress! It turned out great and I adore the hairstyle. Nice to see something different!
Maddy's dress turned out beautifully! And she looked gorgeous. Hope you finally got some rest.
Maddy's hair & dress...gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing with us :)
I love the dress! It came out beautiful and I'm so envious of her hair--I've never had enough hair to do that!
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