Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you...
Leon is truly happy when you look him straight in the eye from less than 12 inches away and give him 100% attention with lots of smiles and laughter. I think he gets it from me.
Today is the last day of school!!! I won't need to juggle cars again for a while. WHEW! And my husband can stop bumming rides to work with our daughter. I can't wait until the brakes are fixed on the one car...
I've been watching the OLD original Saturday Night Live with Meri lately. Their drug references are aplenty... Let me tell you!! I speed past those and talk with her about it. The 2nd episode was 95% Simon and Garfunkel songs. Sure I knew all of them but sheesh! We just wanted skits!!

He was so funny when he was younger!
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Ed's pancreas
Ed's pancreas who?
I don't know, Ed... But I know this: That good glands don't grow on trees!
She's modifying it to fit her situation and has been trying it out on the rest of us ever since...
Enjoy your day! I think mine is going to be full of busy-ness again. Yesterday was downright frenetic. I now know why I live for the weekends, as busy as they are too! But it's a funner kind of busy...
I hope to visit all you guys soon!
SNL was definitely not something I should have been watching when I was in high school even. I can't watch it now without getting red in the face. Adult humor totally.
Keep Leon entertained!
Am I totally stupid because I don't get that joke?
I don't get the joke either! LOL
Your husband is stalking you.
I love those old SNL episodes!
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