Has it been a whole week since Maddy came home from Girl's State??! CAN'T be!! But you know what my week has been like... I guess it was a whole week...
It was so good to see her again, even from a distance. Caught her on my zoom lens walking over to the main area. Doesn't she look swank? (she's the one in sunglasses trying to keep from tripping on her blue dress *and to get the sewing ladies involved... that's the prom dress I made her last year*)
Chit chatting with Dad.
below - with a friend from our high school who also attended.

All the girls gathered at the flag pole for the final lowering of the flag. It made me feel good to be around so much patriotism!

It was kind of like Hogwarts where the kids were all assigned various made up cities. Maddy was in the city of Hindeman and made so many new friends. Her FB friend number jumped by a significant number since then, but not just from this city.
Each city had it's own theme song, special handshakes, etc... Unfortunately I kept missing their Hindeman song but managed to zoom in enough to just get some general girly hub-bub...
Maddy was voted onto the city council and was a state representative!
Below the whole of Girl's State filed onto the stage while singing and regaled us with a selection of songs that they learned that week. It was beautiful and I cried a little... knowing what a fabulous experience this was for her.
There are a group of young girls who are out to change the world, coming right up!
May God bless America!
Oh you brought back memories of when my oldest was on the 8th floor of a door that only had two working elevators, and one that didn't (the one that didn't always was changing between the total of three). Many times we went ahead and climbed the eight flights of steps. NOT fun times!
She looks great! Love the layers in the skirt.
So beautiful! What a proud moment indeed! :-)
What a great experience for Maddy! She looks so great and happy!
OMG......what a beauty for sure!!!! i love this post! so simply perfect for the most gorgeous things in life! awesome:)
What a beautiful thing to be part of. The dress as usual when you are involved is stunning. Congratulation to Maddy one person can make a difference
That sounds fantastic. Now hurry up and get out there and change the world...or at least our gov't...for the better! lol
You have some impressive kids!
What an amazing experience for the girls and for their families.
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