The girls got home around 9 pm last night from their few days in K.C. They had a great time but since their aunt is now caffeine free, felt a wee bit of withdrawal... I made Meri a cappuccino this morning.
Then she got her goals written up for the two sewn items she was putting into the county fair this morning. I took the morning off and helped her get them printed out and into booklets as well as making sure the sewing machines were threaded with the right thread to get her done.
Then we hustled down to the fair grounds so we could wait... There were about 8 people's names ahead of Meri's waiting for the judges, who were taking about 20 minutes per kid...

Finally she got to a judge and got two blue ribbons for her projects! The hoodie and the shorts.
After we treated ourselves to lunch out, I'm back in the office and from the looks of things going to be swamped this afternoon. No rest for the wicked!
I'm still recovering from a week with no caffeine that happened a month ago. lol
Yea for the blue ribbons!
First, I knew you were wicked. Sure, you come off as all sweet and stuff but I'm very good at seeing beneath that shiny exterior.
Second, 2 Blues? No way! Congrats!
Third, that Aunt must be more wicked than you for not letting the girls have caffeine.
Congrats to Meri! Not bad at all for a decaffeinated kid!
Congratulations to Meri! Tell her your imaginary friends are proud of her. ;)
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