Isn't this moon cool? Tiffany came running inside the house the other night and said, "Where's a camera that has good batteries??! The moon is beautiful tonight!" Then proceeded to dash outside and take several pics with my camera.
God's paintings are truly wonderful!

Sunday afternoon, my girls 4H club went around town and picked up the bags of food that people put out on their porches. We came away with QUITE a haul! Not too many kids showed up but we have enough parents to drive around the ones that did show and everything was picked up in no time!
I love small towns!
Then we headed over to the local food bank and sorted, sorted and then sorted some more. A few of us parents went over each item looking for an expiration date and wow... I think a few people use this opportunity to clean out their cupboards of things that they haven't used in years....
Like, when was the last time you actually ATE lima beans? Intentionally?...
Some items were outdated as of 2001. I think that was the oldest thing... If it was less than one year old, those items go on a special shelf for those desperate enough and don't care.
Anything older than that we had to pitch.
As we sorted, the kids put things away on the shelves in the area where they belong. There were some frantic sorters... and a bottle or two of barbeque sauce got dropped. It can get sticky...
As I checked expiration dates, I noticed that the first cupboard people typically go to are the jello and pudding cupboard. I do that too! I buy the stuff, then don't use it nearly as often as I thought I would...
Maybe once in a pink moon...
I will admit that I'll give away those unused foods at food drives too. Though lately, hubby has been going through my can food supplies and getting rid of some those cans.....
I like Lima beans but frozen, not canned....
No Limas! Blah! I confess that I give away all of my crazy canned items too.
I give things we haven't used and things we have extra of or go to the store and spend ten bucks BUT I'm pretty organized about checking my dates.
That is a gorgeous moon!!!
That moon is so beautiful!
So wonderful to be able to collect all that food :-) blessing to so many.
Have a great night!
Nice moon!
It's sad that people keep that stuff around in their cabinets for such a long time, but also sad, IMO, that you had to throw away things more than a year old. I'd be more leery of the boxed stuff myself, because of moisture, insects, etc., but I think canned food in good condition would still be safe into the 2nd or even 3rd year.
I love lima beans! I usually donate cans of green beans or jars of peanut butter because we always seem to have plenty of those.
Thank you for mooning me, it was the prettiest one I have ever seen.
That picture is beautiful! I have never seen the moon look like that.
I love lima beans.
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