It's homecoming week and you know what THAT means! Goofy outfits for the kids every day! Especially Seniors, because this is the last time EVER they can act goofy!
Monday - Come as you are day! Maddy went in sweats and a flower tee with her hair a mess. Looks like she crawled right out of bed... which she did. This day sure saved a lot of prep time in the morning!

Such lovely girls...
The girl 3rd from the right is the Homecoming queen! She's a regular around these parts especially when there are puppies at our house...
Tuesday - Fictional Character day! Maddy went as Jess from New Girl! I thought it was funny when she said that everyone recognized her after she told them who she was.
Because you have to TELL them...
Wednesday - Royalty Day! Mads wore her prom dress that we put our blood, sweat and tears into last spring, topping it off with a royal purple jacket. She couldn't find a crown but had a lacy headband. She REFUSED to wear our gold crown of thorns.... It would have been perfect!
Thursday - Today is "ER" day. You need to dress up with something that ends in ER or OR. For example, Mother, Teacher, Dentister... You get the idea. She chose Doctor. As in Dr McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy. Up until Tuesday night, she was going to be a grandmother and had all the clothes and jewelry ready for it. Necklace with all the grandkids and their birthstones, etc... Her grandma was having a ball getting it put together for her. Then Maddy changed her mind.
She sent me the photo of the scrubs hat below over my lunch yesterday and asked that I whip up a couple for today.
So after Bible study last night, I did. It took all of 20 minutes and probably looks it.
The above picture of the scrubs hat doesn't look that attractive laid out like that, but it did turn out pretty neat on. Using one pair of blue pants, I made a wide band to go around the forehead back to an inch or so behind the ears. Then made a big half circle casing and strung through part of the waist straps to tie it with.
From behind they'll look Amish, but from the front, they'll be very medicinal...
Can't wait to see everyone's pictures on FB later! Then you can see what I mean!
Tomorrow is Spirit day because of the homecoming game tomorrow night. Wow, these kids get creative!
1 comment:
Wow homecoming already? It's not until late Oct here. And it's just a pep rally bonfire, the game and homecoming court at a dance.
Love the school spirit these girls have. Can't wait to see the photos!
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