On Friday afternoon, Maddy's Senior girls competed against each other in the Powder Puff football game. Robb attended that

LOVE her expression in each of these! Not sure if she was yelling during the performance or what here...
Oh. The green team won the Powder Puff game! Woohoo!
Then onto the actual Homegaming game that night. During half time, each of the girls of the court were driven out in golf carts by their fathers to the other side of the field. Then being serenaded by the band, each were introduced.
The lists of things these girls are in in high school is astounding. I mean... How do you find TIME for all those activities!? Oh yeah... their families never see them... I have one like that too. It was interesting to hear what they all had planned for next year too.
Maddy is the big plume on the left.
Leon just enjoyed the game because he got mobbed by all of Meri's friends.
The attention to him is never lacking at these sorts of things. It's an added bonus that he's such a doll!
That afternoon I received a package in the mail from Singapore or Hong Kong... It was the homecoming dress that Maddy had had me order about 2 months ago... When we realized where it was being shipped from and there was only 2 weeks to homecoming, she gave up on it and bought a different dress. But Friday afternoon when it came, I texted her that it had finally arrived.
My text to Maddy: "Your dress came"
Return text from Mads: "Ha! Wanna drop it off at K's and I'll try it on? I have my other one with me too just in case!"
My text: "It is very see through."
Mads: "Just bring it please.... K has spandex I can borrow."
Me to her as soon as I arrive at the game dress-less: "Forgot the dress. Or rather nighty..."
And oh my... It is seriously an uncomfortable nighty with netting...
But anyway, her other dress worked out nicely for her and she had a great time at the homecoming dance and then spent the night at a friends. Then another marching band competition on Saturday... I saw her briefly face to face Friday morning and then finally on Saturday afternoon... when she napped.
Is it like that with your kids too?
Yes it is!
Oldest has been out of the house for 2 years now basically.
Daughter is back but we never see her between school fulltime and a fulltime job...she has no days off....except she took a day to go to the fair last week so we didn't see her that day either.
The one left in high school is a junior and between marching band, flute lessons, concert band, a job on weekend nights and a girlfriend, and napping, the only time we see him is at 1-2 dinners a week or when he unloads the dishwasher(which we have to drag him out of his room to do).
I'll be so glad when he finally gets his license and we are not chauffeurs any longer for his busy life.
I know that feeling. It's a busy time. I think it's the Lord's way of preparing you for their leaving home. It's like they left home, but are still living there. Hope you get a chance to see her face soon!
Not yet. Kat is 9 and isn't interested in any sports, and isn't in any organizations yet. We keep talking about getting her into a 4-H group, but we still haven't done it. :(
That picture of Leon is so cute! He looks surprised!
Things are busy here too, but Slumama's life description scares me just a bit. lol
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