Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Halloween...  We haven't celebrated it for 5 years.  For good reason, which I won't get into here...  But we decided that we would this year.  Leon's first.

We didn't see him.  But he had a Yoda costume that I'm sure made all the little ghosts and goblins swoon!

Meri carved a pumpkin.  I got pumpkins for everyone else too, but everyone else were too busy to do it.  So they will be made into pumpkin pies, soups, cheesecake, what have you, later.

Our town's beggars night was last night.  Meri and I gave out candy.  

One little Spiderman was ultra picky with what we were giving out...  Not only did I NOT get a trick from him, he didn't like the candy Meri tried to give him.

She handed him a Snickers.  "I'm not supposed to have that."

So she handed him a sucker.  "No I already got one of those!"

So she handed him some chewy things.  "Oh alright..."

His mother was mortified and kept trying to get him to apologize.

I forgot what you say to little kids when they come to the door.  The two below are Maddy's babysitting charges from last summer.  They were sorry she wasn't home...


Me:  "uhhh uhhh"  I had to ask the first little girl what I was supposed to say since it had been so long...  "Uh here you go!"  "You're welcome?"  "Ooooh!  You're scary!" "Happy Halloween?"  "Love your costume?"  "Oh aren't YOU cute!?"  I guess all of those will work.

But I'll tell you what I'm NOT supposed to say and was schooled on that intensely after my performance was witnessed by my daughter...

"OOH!  Good thing you pulled your mask back, that was really creeping me out!" to a teenage boy who was really too old to be out begging for candy...


"Aren't you a little old for this sort of thing??"

and above all...

"I want a TRICK!!  Whatcha got?!"  :"What??!  No joke even??!  You better work on that for next year..."

Apparently my family informed me that we instantly became "THAT" house...

Do kids hate going to houses where they're expected to do something before getting treats?!  No wonder the world is going to hell in a hand basket...


mamahasspoken said...

I had trick or treaters like that before. You know if you put your hand just right into their bag and hit the side, it sounds like you gave them something when in reality you didn't ;o)

slugmama said...

I'd actually like to hear your reason for not celebrating Halloween. And if it so goes against your principles, why engage in it this year?

At my house, nobody gets a treat unless they say those 3 magic words and I don't mean "Give me some!"lol

Jill said...

LOL...Gotta love the trick or treaters :-)

Happy halloween!!


Sonya Ann said...

When we first moved here, the previous owners warned us we would get a lot of trick or treaters. We ran out of candy within an hour. The next year we counted the kids. 329!!!!! Yes, 329 kids came begging for candy. Our neighborhood is getting older now, I would say we got about 100 kids last night. So I don't have time to chat with the kids. We get a production line going. I have one hand handing the goodies out and someone is filling my other hand. It's like that one I love Lucy episode with the chocolate. Keep moving or it all goes to hell.

Macey said...

Kids these days! They just expect that we will give them something for nothing! Must be Obama fans....

Babes Mami said...

Nate's only three so it was hard enough to get him to say trick or treat, a few people asked him for a joke and he froze. But he went to most houses on his own, was polite and didn't cry!


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