Meri woke me up around 2 and made me move to a more secluded spot and then ran off to play Monopoly with a bunch of other kids.
I couldn't believe how much noise kids made and how much echoing through the cement the noise travels. *chatter chatter chatter* Girls especially! But I managed to fall back asleep despite it.
Woke up at one point with hot hot air blowing in my face, making me cook in my sleeping bag and more girl chatter. The heat had kicked in and the vent was immediately above me. One of the 4H leaders was nearby and I told her that I thought I was in hell. She turned the heat down. WHEW! But the girls chatter continued.
After that I woke up every 30 minutes to an hour. Disappointed every time I consulted my cell phone for the time. Dang!!! When will this night END?!!! I finally gave up at 5am. Meri was up playing cards with another girl, who sporatically yelled out the single word "PIZZA!" for some unknown reason. I think she thought she was being funny.
I didn't.
Meri and I brought slippers and I'm so glad we did. The floor could get cold! The other kids were SO jealous!
Meri was worn out at that point and decided to go lay down. I went and read a newspaper with the main 4H leader, browsed through my sewing mags that I'd brought and ate whatever snacks were left over from the night before to get the taste of sleeping in hell out of my mouth.
One boy was still awake throwing things back and forth to a single girl who was still up. The girl was out within 10 minutes and then it was just the boy leaning against the wall waiting for morning. All the other kids were sleeping, including all the college kids who had organized the event. Mary, the leader, was up all night. She said her husband was going to come pick her up when it was over so she wouldn't have to drive home.
Around 6, the college kids started wafting in and got breakfast started, while I ran a sweeping mop all around the big room. There was popcorn and crumbs everywhere... Then I woke up Meri and she had breakfast with me and then we left. I tried to have a nap with Leon after his breakfast and morning bottle, but I must have been uncomfortable to sleep with because he would NOT settle down so Robb sent Maddy to rescue him from me. Or me from him... Not sure. I got a 2 hour nap, so that was good.
This staying up all night thing is for the birds! And I need to see a chiropractor pretty soon...
Oh my better you than me my friend. But I'd take that baby snuggling:)
enjoy your week!
Hum, I would have called it morning around 5 and left. My body sleeping on concrete is NOT a good combination.
I'm not sure I've EVER stayed up all night. I don't see how they do it.
Holy crap. You're definitely gonna get Mom of the Year for that!!
Those are the most awesome slippers!!! After an afternoon substituting or should I call it referring 5th graders, I can feel your pain...
i am not sure I could have survived that night. Not a fan of no sleep AND wound up kids.....and I teach 2nd grade....go figure! lol
You are a good mama. I don't think I would have done that even when I was younger.
"to get the taste of sleeping in hell out of my mouth."-I laughed really good at that one.
When did Leon move out? Well I hope he moved out with a couple of grownups.;p They do grow up fast these days though.
I have never been to a lock in, and now I know why! haha
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