Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sewing Sensibly

You know those radio commercials for diet tablets?  Where they say you don't have to go on any diet food, just take this tablet before each meal and eat sensibly...  

Look, if I ate sensibly, I wouldn't be at the dress size I am!

Over the weekend, I picked up a cute top at Target on the cheap!  I didn't try it on, but I felt that it would fit me.  I get feelings sometimes...  It's a mom thing.  *and a fact that I don't have time for dressing rooms*

So I ended up with a shirt that makes me feel like I look pregnant.  It has elastic under the chest area instead of the waist or hips.  Normally I'm sure this looks flattering on women... But not me.  I'm not a busty type...

As someone in my sewing group once said, when faced with a store bought clothing piece that didn't fit her right, "Hey!  I know how to sew!!!"  and she fixed it.  I decided to fix the problem.

So this morning, since I didn't have a small child begging for attention or raisins and no housework I wanted to do...  I grabbed this shirt and a seam ripper.  

Found that the elastic was just serged onto the seam allowance around the high waist area and if I pulled it off, the seam would still be intact!  S.weet!!!  So I did.  I made myself a tidy little pile of blue thread pieces and over lunch I'll iron this shirt and see how it fits me.  

I'll probably serge the seam allowance so it won't unravel on me..  

And the shirt does hang long, so I'll either put some elastic down towards the bottom to scrunch it up a little, rehem up higher or just leave it...

Hmm.. Decisions, decisions...

What are you deciding on today?

Is it chocolate?  mmmm


Out My window said...

Ha, ha! House work you want to do.....

mamahasspoken said...

Hehehe, whenever that happens to me, I return it ;o)

Michelle said...

I don't like wearing those shirts that look like maternity wear. And, they seem to be quite the rage. Glad you found a way to change yours!


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