Tuesday, October 8, 2013

If you give the kids the camera

If you give the kids the camera,

Leon will ask for a side of Cheezits.

REALLY nicely...

If you give a kid some Cheezits, 

He will ask to run across the bridge.

If you let him run across the bridge,

He will ask to climb up the ladder.

If you let him climb up the ladder,

There's only one way down.

If you let him slide down,

he will ask to play on the seesaw.


If you let him play on the seesaw


it will only last a few seconds before he sees the Merry Go Round.

If you let him ride on the Merry Go Round,

 He will want to ride something else that he's already been on.

If you tell him "We've got to go home Honey!" and carry him to the car...
Crying ensues...

The only thing left to do is give the kid the camera.

It's covered in Cheezit bits now.

And who am I kidding?!  He never asked for any of these things. 

He demanded them.

I got my hair cut last night for the LAST time by a favorite hairdresser that I've used for the last umpteen years..  She's moving away and getting married!!!  How dare her!  I'm going to miss her!!  She and I have the same view points on everything...  Our kids are roughly the same ages, although they don't hang out together, but I've been going there since Maddy was a baby.  The lady who bought her shop is actually my hairdresser from before HER!  Who had moved away but recently moved back.  She's got kids my kids ages too! 

While I was there, Ryan, Meri & Leon had some free time to walk around town with the stroller and they had headed to the park.

Good plan!


mamahasspoken said...

Oh yes, the demanding stage, not enjoying it here either;o)

Sonya Ann said...

You need to save the crackers until after the park and use it as bribery. I'm a bad mom like that.


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