Last night, Robb was reading some books to Leon and he called me out of my sewing nook. "Tell Grandma, Leon!" Leon says, "Holp! Repressed!" LOL! That kid will know more jokes that he won't understand than my aunt, by the time he's 5...
Thanksgiving weekend part 2
Saturday afternoon...
After my nephew, his wife, 2 children and another nephew left, we relaxed for just a little bit, but after an hour or so I couldn't take it anymore! It was THE Saturday after Thanksgiving!!! I finally had the power to wield the Christmas tree with abandonment and freedom!!! I cranked the Christmas tunes. Lightly as not to awaken Leon who was still napping.
After hauling in about 10 boxes of ornaments, lights, bells and whistles, Robb & I pulled down the two super huge boxes that hold the parts. I didn't want to haul in the tree boxes, so we carried it in in parts. I plopped in part E of the tree and on top of that I plopped on part C. Oops. But you know what??!! You couldn't tell!!!
So our tree is exactly 2 feet, 4 inches shorter than last year! And you can't tell! And I didn't have to lug out a ladder! And I didn't almost break my neck!!
When Leon got up, he wanted to be nekkid, but I was planning on taking pictures while they decorated, so that had to be remedied.
The girls had fun decorating with him while I checked out lights, did the mantle and nativity on the piano.
I snuggled with Leon and left the mess for Sunday.
Sunday morning...
I had a miserable night. No matter WHICH way I turned, I could not get comfortable and my head hurt really bad. When I got out of bed to get ready for church, I felt almost dizzy. I went downstairs and fell onto the couch. Robb asked if I felt ok. All of the sudden I got a sign that it was NOT going to be a good day and I ran to the bathroom and barfed. Not good.
Especially since all I'd eaten so far was a half glass of water...
Robb got the kids ready and Maddy and Meri took over my Sunday school class for the day. I went back to bed and slept until noon. Watched another episode of a Netflix series I've been watching and then suddenly felt weepy. I could hear the kids and Robb joking around downstairs and I felt like I was missing out... I went downstairs, blubbered about for a little bit before settling on the couch and watched Maddy pack up her things to head back to campus. sigh...
A blubbery, sick, 40 something year old is not a pretty sight! But Maddy still snuggled up to me on the couch every now and then between her doing a bit of her laundry and we had some good talks and laughs.
I hope the kids don't catch whatever it was that I had.
As soon as she drove off I went back upstairs and watched a another couple episodes and then napped a couple hours. All I had to eat that day was some 7-Up and crackers...
Monday I felt much better, but still only running about half steam. I managed to put the house into a KIND of semblance of order, but it still looked like a tornado had run through it. Tree bits everywhere. Today I'm much better and even got a load of laundry in! *People were looking for things...* Also got a couple more empty boxes relegated back out to the garage.
It killed me to just lie in bed... But I could not drag myself out of it.
I guess I needed a Mommie's Day Off.
Aww ~ yes take care of yourself and rest occasionally darn it ... or look what happen. I'm glad that the fam took care of you nd hope your feeling much better. NO streaking like the little guy or you'll catch pneumonia .
Oh honey sorry you are sick. No fun, but at least you got to lay down and rest.
That does not sound cool especially on a holiday weekend, but at least it made you relax, I tried a few thanksgiving recipes on Saturday for me African Thanksgiving and it was hardwork
So sorry to hear you were sick! DO take care of yourself!
Hope you are feeling much, much better today...and the puke germs were contained to only one family member. ;)
Hooray for decorating. Only my front porch is complete. The tree is up w/lights on it, but no ornaments adorn the branches yet. Maybe today. Sigh.
Happy Wednesday! :)
I sure hope you are much better now. Catching up with you.
Glad you are feeling better now. You would never have stayed in bed if your body didn't need it.
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