Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I'm having a bit of De-ja-vu going on today...  I haven't found my camera yet since this weekend's trip...  

Some of the guys are saying they saw it was brought in from the car and another is saying they don't see it in the car at all.  


Knowing my luck, as soon as I buy a replacement, I'll find the first one that was lost several months ago!  

I got to go shopping all alone last night!  It took all of 30 minutes.  Grabbed a burger at my favorite Ma & Pa joint and met up with Robb to pick up a dog that he picked up in Des Moines.  It lives with us but went visiting while we were gone for the weekend.

Got home in time to snuggle with Leon.  He hadn't seen me hardly at all Monday and when he did, he ran up and gave me the greatest hug he's ever given and said that he missed me and loves me and covered my face with kisses! 

 I love it when they start talking in sentences!

Taken with my cell phone camera this morning.  I made this on Sunday evening.  
One of Ryan's friend could NOT comprehend what I was doing....
Got a lot going on today.  Have a great Tuesday!


Sonya Ann said...

He really really loves his grandma! That is so awesome.

Southern Gal said...

I received that same treatment this weekend. Love those grandchildren!

Michelle said...

Always good to be loved :)

Frances said...

We used to make those clove studded oranges. They smell SO good! Maybe I will get some cloves and oranges this weekend.


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