Monday, December 15, 2014

Sew much Sumo advice

Word of advice...

Do not eat an entire bag of Munchos all in one afternoon...  Four pounds gained in a single day. BAM! (from one morning weighing to the next morning)

Good if you're a Sumo wrestler.  Not so good if you're pushing 50...

Here is the skirt.  It's black, so you can't tell all the details.  So basically I'm wearing a very dark skirt. 

How impressive is that??! ;P

This t-shirt has been circling the FB wall for several weeks and at least one member of my sewing group got this for an early Christmas present.  SWEET!  I might need this as a plaque in my sewing nook...

Never Underestimate the power of a woman with a sewing machine.
I spent Friday night making up these little babies, forgetting to take them to the sewing meeting with me on Saturday... *insert face palm here*  I'll make little photo cards to go with them so the recipients will know just what these little balls of fur are.  They are NOT Tribbles!  Well maybe... I made up 6 in almost no time flat.  They are Ipod pillows.  Super easy to make and if you make them with fur, you can't tell where I had to stitch up the seams by hand to close them up!

 Demonstrating with a Stupid Phone - NOT a Smart Phone.  Meri wasn't around with hers for this shot.

After Saturday's annual Style show, which was a GREAT time, I rented a Rug Doctor.  I spent the next 7 hours steam cleaning my carpets.  When you have 5 dogs, 3 kids, 1 grandkid, a MIL and a husband and any food items or potty training going on for both children and pets, you need to do this on occasion.  Might as well be for the holidays!  The carpet looks 95% better!  My legs were killing me by bedtime...

I also moved the gate so Duke can't sleep at the bottom of the steps anymore and wreck that carpet.  He thinks there is buried treasure under it, for one thing.  For another, I pulled about 6 pounds of sludge out of that with the carpet cleaner.  Maybe I'm exaggerating and maybe I'm not...  The dogs don't get to come into the living room anymore. OR upstairs!  In addition to Duke's sludge area, I did the stairs, upstairs hall, 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. 

Spent Sunday putting up a few Christmas lights outside and looking for extension cords.  Oh, also a 4H Christmas party and visiting Leon's other Grandma with him. 

Leon got into Elf this morning!  Hear that Maddy?  He's back on the kick!

Can't wait to see that girl this week, btw!  She'll be coming home on Thursday!!!

Meri has a school concert tonight so in honor of that, she wore one of her ugly Christmas sweaters to school even tho today's temp is supposed to be in the low 50s!  I hope she brought along another shirt in case she gets overheated!

Well, back to the grind!  I get all next week off so I won't be around much then unless I suddenly find time for myself next week... 

Have a great Monday!


Sonya Ann said...

WOW you look amazing! Really the munchos are working for you. I may try it. No really, I need to do something.

Trudy said...

Thanks for the advice on the Munchos. I didn't know it was possible to gain 4 pounds in 1 day.

Even though we can't see the details, love your skirt.

Willow said...

You look wonderful ~ I'd say like a movie star even !!!

Michelle said...

You look great! But, lay off the Munchos. Bad for the cholesterol!!!!

Out My window said...

So the entire box of fruit loops I ate after taking an ambien was where that weight came from? I pooped green for three days! Love the look, I never sew for myself.

Southern Gal said...

You look fabulous! I want that slogan on my wall in the sewing room, too. True stuff. Elf! Tell Leon i'm coming to watchit with him. We'll have a marathon.


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