Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Surviving Christmas

On Saturday, we loaded up all the items that I'd packed up Friday night and headed off to eastern Iowa to my sister's house for a third Christmas get together.

We had put some chili in the crock pot Friday and the aroma woke up Robb around 4:30am.  In the car, I suddenly smelled the chili so when we stopped for some cappuccinos I found that the crock pot had shifted and spilled a little.  Oops!  Got that fixed!

My first NEW car had been christened after a short while with a crock pot of chili back when Ryan was a baby.  The whole thing had spilled onto the back seat floor.  That car smelled delicious and a little noxious at times until a tree fell on it putting it out of it's misery.  

Back to Saturday, we got to my sisters after driving on slick roads & a movie or two for Leon.  The sun came out and melted the roads finally and/or a sand truck had just been by because the roads were suddenly easier to drive on.  Before lunch we got a tour of my nephew and his fiance's house that they'd bought right next to my sister's house for when they get married in June.  They're remodeling it before then and we were impressed with all their handiwork.

I worked in the kitchen with my sister getting things ready while the cousins played.  More nieces, nephews, parents and little kids abounded until lunch time.  Leon discovered a barbie playhouse and had a ball making Captain John Smith work with horses in it's kitchen.  His cousin was NOT too happy to share her little dolls...

After lunch, gifts and wrapping paper flew around while the kids were in a tizzy to get onto the sledding hills nearby.  You can't believe how the number of teens who opened the ipod pillows and said, "Thanks!!!  I could USE a heat pad!!!  Odd shape tho!"  So I had to do demonstrations for anyone that got one...  I really should have done that tag...  


Melanie rounded up about 8 sleds and showed everyone the glove/hat bin since no one had planned on there being snow!!!  And we hit the slopes for an hour or so.

Leon, Meri and her cousin Bethany took off with a sled and headed a LONG ways away up a steep incline before I had a chance to dig the blanket that I was going to use as a cape out of the car.  I hadn't had a chance to give them instructions about where to sled with Leon so was a little ticked when they reached the edge of the smooth snow and then started up a VERY steep weedy embankment.  Leon was only wearing short socks and tennis shoes with jeans...  I was sure his feet were going to be soaked!   


They got half way, stopped, then started again after sitting in the snow.  No way could they hear me from where they were.  Towards the top of the ridge, a complete stranger reached down and helped Leon to the top...  Then he helped Meri and Bethany.  They said later that he had two daughters up there and felt they could trust him.  sigh...   Anyway, they got on the sled and zipped down that steep hill going roughly 95 mph.  Meri told me later that Leon screamed WHEEEE!!!  the entire way down, then said AGAIN!.


They didn't go back up that hill, but chose another one before bringing him back to me.  Where upon he promptly starting copying his older cousin by doing snow angels.  We got a group shot and headed back to Melanie's before leaving town for home, where there was no snow.  Leon had gotten a sled from his other grandma last week so I hope we get a little snow before too long.  He's VERY anxious to try it out on our slight inclines that we have around here.  NOTHING like the hills of eastern Iowa!  

He'll be disappointed.
Get used to it!

This is my one of my million beautiful nieces and daughter.  Sluggy should remember her!

 This is her husband and son.

Leon after coming back from all that sledding but was raring for more.

Brae making a snow angel by default.  He was actually just falling asleep and moving his arms a little.  But it was enough to inspire Leon.

Group shot before we all scattered.

A long car ride home later and that was Saturday.  I'm deeming Christmas 2014 officially over, but I'm still working on sending out Christmas letters and gifts... 
Oh and the tree and decor must stay up until after Meri's birthday. 

It's the law.  Her law.


Michelle said...

Looks like Leon got a great lesson on sledding! I might have had a spell right there and tried to run after him! lol

Frances said...

I am catching up. This looks like so much fun! Alas, I have never been sledding.


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