I was hacked yesterday! My Facebook account I mean... I leave Meri alone in my office for 5 minutes while I run uptown to the post office and what?? does she do? She got into my Facebook and posted this.
"I love my daughter Meri. She is my favorite child. She is beautiful, smart, caring, and very
outgoing. There is no comparison between my other children and her. This
is why she is my last child. We finally got it right. We got the
perfect daughter. I know we aren't supposed to pick our favorite child,
but she is just so wonderful to not pick her. Well, that's all I wanted
to say! Meri, you rock!!"
She's gotten 15 likes on it so far...
And a couple people actually thinking that I've picked my favorite child...
Meri DOES rock! But Ryan and Maddy do too!
Crazy kids... I love them all!
This is a learning experience. Never have your parting words be, "And stay off my Facebook!"
hi-lar-i-ous!! I've seen some hacks that can be spotted right away,but hers? Perfection. No wonder she's your favorite child...
Funny! My daughter has done much the same thing to me :)
Never trust your kids with your FB page.
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