Monday, June 1, 2015

Random Lawlessness

June 1st...  

Meri has started her full time babysitting job today.  

Leon will be hanging out with me a good portion of the day...  

I made dishwasher tabs this morning because I was running low...  

The dogs killed a few bunnies in the yard this morning.

The day is going to be swell...

Maddy has called a few times since last week and I think is enjoying her responsibilities in Colorado. 

Today is going to be crazy busy at work.  Not sure how all that is going to go down...  We'll see.  I'll just make sure I have lots of Legos and crayons handy...

The sewing newsletter is done and mailed out but I still need to email out some.  Will do that shortly.  I found a few mistakes since having them printed and got that corrected before the email version.  
WHEW!  It was a doozy too!

I've got an ASG sewing meeting tonight!!  I was going to have the dress that I'm wearing to a wedding next weekend to show at it, but didn't get time yesterday to finish the top.  Maybe I'll bring it anyway... Not sure.  If it looks too homemadey, then I won't... 

Over the weekend, Meri and I hit up a few garage sales and I found a police uniform for Leon's dress up box!  It is so cool and even comes with a set of hand cuffs, a walkie talkie and a gun!  He loves it, but it's a little big on him so everything falls off if he's running around arresting everyone.  

Robb got arrested for playing computer games.  You never know what's against the law in our house!

Gotta run, as you probably guessed.  How was your weekend?


Southern Gal said...

Uh oh. Better be looking over your shoulder. There's a new sheriff in town. I mean, policeman.

You make your own dishwasher tabs? Share, please!

Michelle said...

Yes, do tell about the dishwasher tabs.


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