Thursday, December 3, 2015

Impending Fat Doom

The kids and I are going out to my besties to make Christmas goodies for both her and the college students from our church.

Here's what we've got planned...

1) Rollo stuffed chocolate chip cookies  (I made this up but just found a recipe for it!)  :)
2) Ritz Blitz. crackers with melted Rollos in middle, then dipped in chocolate  (*smile*).
3) Christmas crack. (below with the chocolate cover on them) (ignore the rest) (for now)

I'll get all the ingredients ready over lunch so we can get cracking as soon as I get off work.  Meri is only available for a short time so we have a lot to do in a little bit of time.

I can feel the pounds creeping up already...


slugmama said...

I made Xmas crack last year and had leftovers I had to throw away. What is wrong with my family?!?!

Jane said...

I'm coming to help!!!!!

Southern Gal said...

Sounds like so much fun! Baking is one of my favorite Christmas activities. It's hard to not taste too much, but I enjoy the time with the children.

Michelle said...

Christmas crack is SO GOOD!!

Jill said...

Oh no.... now I need chocolate! LOL Enjoy it's the holidays, January is a fresh start ;-)
Have a great weekend!



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