Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Night In The Life

Meri came home from school sick yesterday and slept most of the rest of the day.  So we left her sleeping and Robb and I went out for supper before Bible study.  We visited a new British pub/restaurant in the nearby town.  He got the fish and chips and I got the steak and Gunness pie with chips.  

I'm VERY thankful that they buy their ketchup in the US, because in my opinion, Irish red sauce needs a lot of salt...  If you're from Ireland, please forgive me!  I'm a non conformist salt-o-holic.

I know... This looks gross.  The lighting was dim and my cell phone camera isn't the best.
But it was actually pretty good.

Plus they had Aero bars!!!  In MINT!!!!  My absolute favorite candy in Ireland and it's so rare to find it here in the states.  So I got two bars, one for Robb and I to split and one to take home for Meri.  The girl working there heard my exclamation and asked (as if she was well traveled), "Oh, have you been over the pond?" in a suddenly rich accent...  She didn't have it earlier...
Um yeah.

We got to the church about 15 minutes early and found Meri in the parking lot looking like death warmed over.  She had woken up from her nap and found us gone.  We sent her back home with her candy and promised we'd bring her a Jimmy Johns sandwich since she'd missed out on eating out with us.  Did you know you can buy the JJ bread all by itself pretty cheap?  Especially if it's day old bread?  Ryan used to buy that all the time when he was on his own and broke.  

Well, the one by the interstate is too busy, so they didn't have any day old bread and I took home 2 loaves of fresh out of the oven bread for Ryan to use for his lunch today, as well as two sandwiches for Meri and him.

But anyway, back to the fiasco that is my life.  A few minutes into class, my cell phone started ringing.  I ALWAYS forget to turn it down for classes...  It was Jen, Ryan's gf.  She had just gotten the old Saturn started with the help of jumper cables but it didn't look like it had enough gas to stay running until we got out of class.  So she drove over to the church with it and Robb gave her a ride back to her apartment.  

When they got there, the engine was overheated.  This car goes through coolant like Leon goes through goghurts.  Pretty fast...  

He had to let it cool down before he could put more coolant in.  Luckily it started easily again and he went to get gas.  So here I am at the church with a car but no keys for it and class just let out, wondering how long I was going to have to wait...  I got a few offers of rides, but no one lives in the direction we live in, plus I was sure Robb would come back for me...  
I had his Diet Dr Pepper.

Being the last one out, I got to lock up the church when he showed up.  Since I don't have a key anymore, I had to go out the side exit where there are no light switches.  Have you ever walked through a very dark church headed for the exit sign when it's pitch black?  Thankfully, God is there, so it wasn't too scary, but if it were my basement or a strange building, I might forget that he's there also...  

So anyway.  I'm looking forward to an hour or so tonight to sew and after today, the week is 4/5's done of working at worky work!!!  WOOHOO!  

SO CLOSE to the weekend!!!!  I plan on finishing Meri's Sweetheart dress this weekend and possibly starting on Leon & Ryan's bowling shirts.  Or at least a tryout version.  

Or maybe make that new purse that I've been promising myself that I'd make.  I've got a couple old leather coats just dying to be cut up!  And a current purse that has definitely seen better days...  

Either a orangey suede leather or a dark brown leather.  hmmm  

Suggestions?  I'm thinking the dark brown... It'll go with more things.


Southern Gal said...

Walking in the dark anywhere is not my cup of tea. I'd go with dark brown.

Michelle said...

Hoping no one else gets sick and Meri feels better soon!

Sonya Ann said...

I didn't know that God was in the church parking lot. Good to know!
I can't keep up with all the things that you have going on and your car problems. Hmmm, sounds like my life.


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