Monday, January 25, 2016

Bowling For Weekends!

I saw a skit or heard a comedian one time that said that all the presidential candidates should just go bowling and the winner gets the presidency...  

I am ALL for that!  Because I'm in Iowa and lucky Iowa gets the first caucus!  yay us.  That means that 9 out of 9.2 phone calls we receive on our house phone are political surveys or invitations to town hall meetings.  Yikes!  I haven't hung up on so many people since 4 years ago!  I'll be SO glad when February 2nd rolls around, and my Sunday school kids will quit bringing up the election!!  At least until summer.  First graders discussing politics when they should be discussing other things is probably not recommended.  It got pretty heated during the craft portion of my class yesterday...  
I had to nip it in the bud.

And just so you know... your kids are listening and understand more than you think.

As Sluggy pointed out on Friday, I probably win with the number of posts I have that contain the word Random in the title.  

I probably win with the most posts that contain the word Weekend in the title also!

On Friday, right after work, Robb, Ryan, Leon and myself headed to the bowling alley.  If we got there early enough, we shouldn't have a problem getting a lane right?  At this place, almost all 45 lanes were full already with families with the same idea.  REALLY???  at 6pm??  oh well, they had one free for us.  I guess that's all that really matters.

Leon had a blast and when we found that they had the ramps for kids, he even beat Robb's score!  

The machines were set up to automatically put up the gutter guard when it was his turn.  Sweet... Until, for some reason, it started acting up and stayed up for several of the adults turns.  We weren't complaining!  Ricochet can be your friend.  The guards, even tho he didn't use them, gave Ryan more confidence and he got 6 strikes in a row!  He was S'MOKIN!!!!
I shouldn't have challenged him before we started...

 The game was over too soon, but not quick enough for Leon.  Then they headed to arcade.  

 Grabbing the first machine with weapons is always the best choice.  

Since Leon was only hitting the machine next to them instead of the robots, Robb helped him, then just took over.


I followed as Leon wandered.  He found a Star Wars Battle Pod that was sweet!  Since this one took $2 worth of tokens and Jen was going to be at our house soon, I let him just play with the screen that was playing while the menfolk finished killing the Terminator.  

Leon was ok with pretending that he was playing.  It was like being IN the film!  cool.

Then we headed home to pizza and then I sewed.  More on that tidbit tomorrow!


Sonya Ann said...

I always thought that is should be a rockem' sockem' robots game to see who the president should be. Or they could fight to the death? That would work too.

SAM said...

I live in the world of politics, though now I get to be more of an informer, if anyone cares to listen, not an advocate or lobbyist. Ahh, those were the days-12-16 hour days and vending machine sandwiches shared with frenemies. When my kids were small, it took a long while for them to understand there was a real game that you had to put money in. They loved just sitting and watching the intros, or I';d let them think they were driving, or flying, or whatever the game was about. Cheap fun.


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