Sew wishing for another weekend soon!
On Thursday night, I worked on Maddy's dress above. On Friday night, I worked on making the sample Sweetheart dress for Meri. It fit her like a glove, well... rather a slightly over snug glove but that is easily remedied on the next version that I'll be making in the actual fabric.
That happens tonight when I cut it out.
We didn't get a chance for her to try it on until later in the weekend.
On Saturday, my ASG group had a presentation on embroidery and I learned something new! I'm not very good at it yet, but my mind is all a'twitter on things I'm going to do with this new knowledge... bwahaha...
When I got home, I sewed more on Maddy's dress and finished it. Got the sample dress for Meri worked on so she could try it on still and then started in on a duffle bag for Matthew. He was liking Maddy's duffle bag that she brought home at Christmas, even though I still need to resew the straps back on, some threads came loose. He asked if I'd make him a gray one.
Yep! This is it... I hope he likes it.
Saturday night, we tried out Vid-Angel. Amazing!!!! We watched AntMan. You can filter out all swear words, just certain ones, certain types of situations or just individual events.
Apparently you can filter out ALL of Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars 4 if you just can't hack him anymore!
So we tried it out. Here's the deal. For $20, you start on the first movie. You set the filters and then let er rip and enjoy your movie on your computer screen. When you're done and if you don't want to watch it anymore in the 24 hours that you have to watch, then you sell it back to them for $19. So it cost you $1. The $19 goes onto your next rental from them.
Apparently you can filter out ALL of Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars 4 if you just can't hack him anymore!
So we tried it out. Here's the deal. For $20, you start on the first movie. You set the filters and then let er rip and enjoy your movie on your computer screen. When you're done and if you don't want to watch it anymore in the 24 hours that you have to watch, then you sell it back to them for $19. So it cost you $1. The $19 goes onto your next rental from them.
Antman was ok I suppose.. I was too distracted with a little boy who kept wanting to stand in front of the desk in everyone's way. Or he was spilling popcorn. Or he was whining that he was out of juice. Or whining that I ate his popcorn when he had abandoned it 45 minutes ago. Or suddenly he was standing in front of the desk buck nekkid.?!... I wrapped him up in a blanket and held him down on my lap for the last 20 minutes of the movie with him struggling to get free.
So, I guess I don't recommend Antman if Leon is in the house.
Sunday after church, I took Leon down to his mom's and then went home to sew (According to my husband, that translates to "avoiding Robb".) Poor Robb. He had the entire afternoon to do whatever he wanted! Why should he complain??! I finished the duffle bag.
As soon as I finish Meri's Sweetheart ball dress, I've got matching bowling shirts to make for Ryan and Leon in time for Leon's bowling birthday party in February and then in March, I'll be starting on a wedding dress for a client. It will look "kind of" like this. I hope.
So my spring is jam packed with projects to fill my weekends and free time.
Who needs to do housework??!!! Like EVER??!!!
ummm... that would be me... I've been neglectful in that area this weekend.
You even sew duffle bags!?!?!?! What's next a mattress? LOL
Do you ever buy thrift store clothes and rehash them?
Bless that little movie hating boy!!!!
I don't even know how you do all of this. Seriously!
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