Friday, January 22, 2016

Random as I get

It's FRIDAY!!!!  I can't even beLIEVE it...  And probably won't until 5pm.  Since I've basically got nothing except a bunch of random thoughts, that's what you get...

Leon had five pieces of bacon for breakfast.  and that's it...  The rest of a breakfast will have to be by osmosis or wishful thinking, because he doesn't want anything else, not even a drink.  Any of you have kids that stubborn?  

I guess his dad sometimes made a whole meal of as many black olives that would fit on his fingers.  Ryan WAS three at the time.  Although I'm sure he'd have done that last week if we had any in the house.  Reminder to self: Hide the olives behind the canned artichokes in the lazy Susan.

Joke by Leon.  He said his dad told it to him, but his dad says nope.  "What do you call a bird with no wings?"  "a frog."  We had to call Maddy and Matthew and let him share with them.

I sewed half of the front bodice of Meri's dress last night with the dull side out.  Fiddled with the pleats until I wanted to break my machine or someone.  Then showed it to Meri with the shiny side to contrast the difference.

Quote: "Oh!  I think I want the shiny side now."

I knew it...

So the seam ripper will get a work out today over my lunch and this weekend, I'll finish it.  

Mark my words...

I've got to run Leon to preschool soon.  They've got his school birthday special day scheduled on a day when he won't be there so we need to iron that out.  Also, we missed the deadline to get him into the same preschool for next year, so we're scrambling on a couple preschools...  and praying that a spot opens up for him for this one before fall.  

Have a great weekend!  If you have a hobby, get to it!!!


Southern Gal said...

I love random Fridays because on Fridays that's how my mind works's Friday!

slugmama said...

We need to check but I think you may hold the title for the most blog posts with "Random" in the title. lolz

Jane said...

That Leon is a funny guy hee hee! Obviously a carnivore! I think we should provide "random comments" when you have one of your random posts!

I'll go first...
Is it snowing where you are? The cats are busy watching the birds. I have 2 bathrooms to clean today ugh. I made a really good cauliflower casserole this week. Man, am I stiff from playing volleyball for two hours last night!


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