Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sprites of Heredity

So Robb picked up Leon on Tuesday night to bring him back home.  Three minutes down the road, he asked for some pop.  

Let me just say right here, he hardly ever gets pop of any kinds...  Maybe a sip or two of Sprite or maybe a Mountain Dew, but then the guilty party regrets it for many hours following...

But anyway, Robb said, "Sure, How about stopping at Kum & Go?"

"No" he said, "Let's stop close to home."  

Ok, that was 40 minutes away yet, but ok...

Then Leon said "Pranking you Grandpa! let go Kum & Go!"

After a few minutes of talking, Leon went silent.  They were just a couple minutes from an exit for Kum & Go so Robb checked over his shoulder and saw that Leon was asleep.  

Well, won't need to stop there after all!

When suddenly, just as he drove past the exit, Leon muttered in his sleep, "I'm proud to go to Kum & Go."

lol!  He gets the talking in his sleep from his daddy and grandpa!

The stories I could tell!!!...

1 comment:

Sonya Ann said...

He is SUPER cute!!!! Neither of my kids were sleep talkers but DJ was a sleep walker. We would find him in odd places in the morning or peeing in the garbage can sound asleep.


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