Monday, February 22, 2016

Bowling Dinosaurs with Cake

 Today is Leon's birthday!  We celebrated yesterday by going bowling with some family and some friends from church.  Meri stayed for a little while, but then needed to go to work.

Leon won the game, except for me...  Yes, I beat his score by 10 or so points...  

Sue me.  I'm in it to win!

 He and his dad rocked their bowling shirts...

And he had a blast.  

We bowled for about 45 minutes or so, 

then moved to a party room 

where we had cake and drinks while Leon opened his presents.  

Some of them all the way.

 After the party broke up, meaning we were kicked out of the party room... (we went 15 minutes over our allotted time.  and seriously we could have hung out in there two more hours before looking at our watches...)  the boys hit the arcade.

But then Leon went to his mom's and we all said our goodbyes to the B'day boy.

Have a great Birthday today kid!!!  We love you!


Southern Gal said...

Happy Birthday, Leon! It looks like he had a fantastic time at his bowling party...even if you beat him. ;) I'm competitive, too.

We celebrated the last birthday of February on Friday with Ethan. But he has four friends who have birthdays in February so we're having a huge party with all of them (here!) and their other friends on Saturday. Then it will be over. And I'll breathe.

SAM said...

Happy Birthday, Leon. Love the father -son bowling shirts-classic!

Sonya Ann said...

Happy birthday LEON!!! He is growing up so fast and he is absolutely adorable. I love the matching shirts.


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