Monday, February 29, 2016

Rolling With The Beans

 On Friday, the weather was getting nice and warm outside.  Enough to find a light jacket and go exploring in the woods, for Leon and his dad.  I was wishing I could go with them but then saw their shoes when they came back and was glad I stayed in my office...

Or at least in doors.
What a muddy, mucky mess!

Friday night, my local college student nephew came for supper and brought Leon a belated birthday gift.  I made homemade pizza for supper.

Saturday was a busy one.  After a few errands, and because the weather was even nicer than Friday, Leon and I worked outside and got the yard all cleaned up for Easter.  I know it's still a month off, but darn it, we're ready for an Easter egg hunt now!

At least we're eliminating the need to hide eggs under yucky old leaves.  and hopefully snow. The yard is beautiful.  The front anyway.  The dogs have made the back yard look like missile site testing and I'm instantly remembering the movie The Money Pit.

Robb said I was too ambitious because I raked all the old leaves and landscaping remnants onto a tarp that when tied on both ends looked like a big boat that would have gotten Washington across the Potomac.  

In other words, it wouldn't fit in the back of the car or van.  So it had to wait until late yesterday when we could get Meri's truck to take it out to the yard waste landfill.  And it was heavy...  

 Saturday afternoon, we headed to a high school just a little ways away and enjoyed Meri singing a song from Phantom of the Opera in a musical theater solo performance.  It was beautiful!  Here are all the kids from our school that participated in various events of the day.  

Meri got a score of 1, which is fantastic and she gets to take her performance to State in a month!

and then...

and THEN...

I got to sew a little bit!  Next weekend, Meri is in the variety show at the high school and in a piece where they'll be singing Jailhouse Rock and need to dress in 50's style clothing.  Meri had something to wear already but a couple friends of hers were not so lucky.  So I dug out Maddy's old poodle skirt from the Middle school Sock Hop but could only find Meri's underslip from her Middle school outfit.  So one of her friends was good but the other still needed a skirt.  

I made the following and finished it up last night.  I found a poodle skirt pic online, printed it out to the size I needed, then cut it out of white fleece.  

The skirt has an adjustable waist because we're not exactly sure what size the girl is that is going to be wearing it.  Meri made a guess and I hope we're right.  I might be making adjustments to it tonight.

So anyway, before you say that "You'll be glad to sit down today!", you'll be relieved to know that I sat on a very uncomfortable stool for 45 minutes last night working on that puzzle I've been puzzling over since Christmas.  I'm in a more comfortable seat now though and you're right.  I'm glad to be sitting in it!  

But I am rolling my foot on a frozen can of beans as I type...



Sonya Ann said...

And I need a nap! You are a sweet person for making the other girls their skirts. There is a cloud in Heaven with your name sewn on it. Or maybe you will get the job of sewing names on all the clouds. My job will be keeping the fires burning where I go.
Leon is such a cute kid!!!!

Southern Gal said...

Lots of good stuff here. Yay Meri! That's fabulous. I'm too ambitious when it comes to yard work. Make it huge with as few trips as possible is my motto. Wheelbarrow overflowing, dropping things along the way? Check. Tarp to heavy to drag to the garden? Check. ;) Hope your foot is better. And that puzzle gets done soon...

Jill said...

Congratulations Meri! That is so awesome!! Love the poodle skirt!!! Have an awesome Tuesday!!



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