Monday, June 27, 2016

Exit pool right

 Talk about a great weekend!
Go ahead.

Friday night, I lounged.  Saturday, after some errands, I sewed.  A lot.  I got some items done on the wedding dress and except for a zipper, all it needs now is another fitting, a hem, a ton of handstitching and some WonderUnder fusible webbing.  At least that's what I want to try to attach the lace bits to the skirt.  I've tried Elmer's glue, seam glue and spit.  But except for the spit, the chiffon just gets to stiff.  Can't have that.  And spit doesn't work at all.

So I needed to take a break from sewing and Leon needed to get out of the house and do something fun.  So I took him to the pool.  

He had a great time and talked me into getting in.  Granted, it takes me 30 minutes to get into a pool just to my waist...  I'm a weenie and the pool isn't a bath...  

When I finally got IN, I tried to show him how to float on his back and/or dunk.  He was having none of it.   Even with my showing him how easy it was.  He thought that if I was floating on my back, he could jump on as a passenger.  Um, nope.

But then the adult swim whistle blew and we went and got a treat.  A lifeguard came up to me as we're buying the candy and said that my nose was bleeding... REALLY??!  So I got a mess of paper towels along with the candy.  Leon said my neck was orange.  It went away with a swipe of paper towel.  I must have looked like an Oompa Loompa to him as he thought it was funny.  I'm just wondering how many people saw me with blood dripping before we went to the canteen...  
Here I thought it was water.
 Oh well.

Leon has no fear now of asking the pool staff for toys or to turn on the mushroom.  He impressed the snooty people sitting next to us on the lounge chairs with his bravery.  But they were still snooty.

Meri was just getting off work, so I begged her to come up and visit with us.  Reluctantly she did.  And unfortunately for me she did.  She put Leon up to things...

And he was game.

What a turkey!  Thankfully he missed the camera AND my book but got me all wet again.

Meri came to sit with me after Leon made a friend and we watched him for a bit.  He went up to the dad of some total strangers and started tickling him on his back.  Meri and I watched with our mouths open... and then while laughing tried to call Leon off.  He gave the guy a hug around the back of his neck, then came over, like "Wha???"

Oh man.  I guess that was our queue to leave.


Southern Gal said...

Ha! He doesn't meet a stranger, right? Love it.

SAM said...

He has personality! It will take him far some day.


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