Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Running with saws and brushes

Yes...  I did it.  I chopped down my lilac bushes for the second time in my life.  They ;needed it so bad.  It is amazing how much brighter the front porch is now!  And how much painting needs to be done.

Our house is a painter's dream come true.  You know.. .if we had the money to pay them to do it, I mean.

So when we painted the steps last week, I wasn't too far off with the top step so I kept up with that theme all the way across the front and part way back on the side.

We  left a few stragglers of lilac starters so we were careful to not cut them down.  So the front of the house looks kind of bleak...  I'll pick up some mulch...

We'll be thankful eventually...


Sonya Ann said...

Oh honey, do I have the lilac bushes for you to cut down. Pack a bag and head over. We have an entire row that needs to come down. Oh and could you put a fence in for us while you are back there.

Michelle said...

I just planted a lilac a couple of weeks ago. You are making think it was a bad idea!


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