Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Parental Fix

Sheesh!  It's been a busy morning already!

On Sunday night, my New Years Eve ended just after the ball dropped in Greenland and we hit the hay.  I was out by 9:15pm...  First year since before Meri was born that Robb hasn't greeted the new year by playing bagpipes in the street.  I'm sure our neighbors are all upset. ;)
It had been a long weekend and we were exhausted.  

The next morning, bright and early, Robb and I hit the road again and headed to my hometown.  We picked up Panera bagels on the way and visited with my parents at the nursing home.  

Wild folks those two!

I'm so glad we went!!  Can't get enough of them.


Linda said...

Got the card and letter. It was dark and I was leaving the house. I forgot it in the car when I came back home. Since it was below 20 degrees, I did not go back out to get it when I realized it was not in here. Neither was my purse! When I am decent, I will venture out again. Thanks. Cannot wait to read it. I really do like those letters.

Rachel said...

Your parents are precious!

Ryoma Sakamoto.Japan said...

ARIGATOU(Thank you so much!!)
I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and a prosperous new year!
On Japanese New Year ‘s customs;
Adults put money in a special envelope and give it to children.
This is called “otoshidama” and many children look forward to it very much!


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