Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Who is Jack?

This is what my front yard looks like after our blizzard yesterday.  The big hole in the snow is from where Leon made a snow angel before getting on the bus...  The blizzard was so bad that it caused a huge car pile up on the interstate not far from us.  At least one fatality and several injured.

THEN this is where one of my sisters was this weekend.  I think she's flying back into this mess today.  But isn't the ocean beautiful?  Some day... some day...

 And Brooke in all her glory.  She got 96% on her report on James & Dolley Madison! 

Way to go Brooke!!!
Doesn't she look authentic?  Kristin found that hat at a thrift store.

On another note.  Since Ryan and Meri were both snowbound with us last night, Ryan insisted that we play the "You Don't Know Jack" game on one of his game systems.  Robb and I used to have the computer cd version of this game way back when Ryan was 5 or so and it wasn't appropriate for him at that time!  You play this game using the game system, a tv and your smart phones.  Hilarious...  

So we let Leon play Roblox in the living room and we got into our game.

We played a few weeks ago with Jen, Ryan's girlfriend.  Here is how one of the games went.  There are several different types of the game, but one was the "pointing" part of the game.  So everyone is sent a command to their phones.  For example, "Point to someone who is the last to lose their temper?"  And then one person is the "faker" and they get a totally different question or it says to pretend to fit in and point to someone randomly, the faker not knowing what the real question is and they point randomly.  So it's a clue as to who the faker might be and everyone else can vote for who they think the faker is.

Well, during one of the questions, Robb was found out to be the "faker" and we didn't get to the rest of the questions, which was just as well, because as an answer to the next question, he'd answered Jen without knowing the real question.  Which was, "Who in this group have you seen naked?"    

That could have been awkward...

So anyway, if you get access to that game, try it out.  It's a hoot!  Especially with a crowd.

And after a few games of that and then time with the boy, I didn't get any sewing in at all.  Maybe over lunch today.

I can only hope.


slugmama said...

Brooke looks lovely. Have I ever told you Dolley M. is my 3rd cousin 7x removed? ;-)

Michelle said...

Brooke looks so good and I love the hat. No snow for us. I think it has left us after one good snow.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am laughing about the game. We are trying to have a game night occasionally here so we might have to try it, although Crimes Against Humanity, and The Great Dalmuti are big hits here


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