Thursday, August 23, 2018

Making Memories with Leonisms

"I was playing the quiet game with just me."

"What do you call that job where you, where you, um, where... where you have dinosaurs in your bones?"
I don't know, but it sure sounds like a fun one!

Me: (in speaking of Leon's brother) "Does he scream all the time at bedtime or can he be a cuddler?"
Leon: "yeah, he's pretty much a player."

He never ceases to make me stop and think, "What did he just say?"
His school supplies just got all labeled and bundled up in his backback.

School doesn't start until Monday so we've got one more weekend to make some summer memories.

His first grade teacher will be able to do a couple things this year with Leon in her class.  
1) have her hands full with him   2) be able to write a book by the end of this year.

But for sure, it'll be a year to remember.


Meg B. said...

Enjoy these last few days of summer break with that precioius little fellow!

Jane said...

I hope his new teacher will include Leon's sayings in her book and that she has a sense of humour. A great sense of humour!!

SAM said...

I missed somewhere that he has a brother. It sounds like he will keep his teacher amused.


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