Monday, August 27, 2018

Pocketful of Firsts

Once upon a time when my girls were little, my parents were visiting.  My mom had read somewhere that if it's important to make memories by doing things out of the ordinary with your grandkids and they'll remember it all their lives.  So she did.   She had a tea party underneath our dining room table with the girls!  The memory I remember most is helping her up from under it afterwards! :)  

So Friday was the last weekday that Leon would be home for a while since school just started today.   I ordered a pizza and we had our lunch underneath the dining room table!  He ate one slice with me, then the other 5 slices at the living room desk to watch "his Youtube"...  I finished eating under the table and then struggled to get out from under it.  Yikes!  52 is kicking my patooty!

Later that afternoon, he asked if he could watch some Youtube from my bed.  No problem...  I was working with my laptop at the love seat that we have in there and he had the volume low.  A little while later, I noticed that Youtube was over and the Firestick menu was up repeating the same old same old. 

 He was snoring softly...

Woke him up after I was done working and since Ryan and Jen didn't like his cut, Robb and I took him to a lady that they wanted us to take him to and he got two hair cuts in the same week!

This one is a keeper!
And he was SUCH a chatterbox and pleasant this time around!

I'm sure the nap helped!
I got a lot of sewing in over the weekend and will show you my project tomorrow.

But today was Leon's first day back to school as a big time First grader!!!

Ryan and Meri were there to take him, as per our tradition of being chauffeured to school on the first day.  He'll ride the bus home. 

 It was the first one that I wasn't along with but at least I got my black eyed susan pics in!

And I can see I really should have weeded the front...  Oh well!  It's going to snow soon.

AND the pic from his classroom as they delivered him to the classroom door.  
Poor Meri!  Chopped out of a selfie!

She had a nice time visiting Maddy and Matthew over the weekend in Wisconsin and is getting settled back at her place again.

Looking forward to an interesting week!


Jill said...

So much fun having tea parties in different places :-) He is growing up so fast! Feels like he was just born last week, lol. Time flies so quickly..... looking forward to seeing your sewing projects. Have a great week!


Linda said...

I am 72 and cannot get our from under the table! I was 51, I think, when I played with first grandchild. He though that because I sat on the floor, he could run and jump on me. It turned out his other grandmother never sat on the floor, so I suppose he thought I was one of the kids. Naps certainly help moods, thankfully.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I try to do different and memorable things with our granddaughter, but not things that hurt my knees.
Leon is a living doll and his second haircut is precious.
Naps are the bomb. It is ashamed adults don't get one daily.

Southern Gal said...

First day of first grade. Billy Joe McGruffey was a very clumsy kid. On the first day of first grade I'll tell you what he did...
Ava and Nora went to public school this year. 1st and 3rd. I dont even know how these kids have grown so quickly!


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