Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Rambling and Evil Knievel

I pulled an acre of weeds this morning.  My fingernails look it.

There are a few volunteer trees growing around our fences and deck that need a saw, but that will be another day.  Our air conditioner needed to get sprayed down as the house yesterday was a swelter, so I was disgusted by the time I walked around the house to look at that and got sidetracked with the overgrowth.  If I do this every day for a week, I'll have a week of disgust, but a tidy yard...

Don't know if I can hack it.

I did some sewing last night!  I'm trying to make a mirror image of an oldie but loved top of mine that looks like this.

Actually it IS this top...  

It's been mistakenly tossed in the dryer a few times and has some pillage, but I still wear it on occasion.  I know people look at it and wonder... "Didn't she wear that to my daughter's wedding TWO years ago??!"  "It is SO five or six years old, isn't it??"  

Eh - I love it.  So I've got a ton of fabric to try it out.  The outer part is going to be a woven silky stuff with a tee-shirt front inside.  The neckline alone is flumoxing me and we haven't even GOTTEN to the side seams or waist twist yet.  We'll see.

I've also got eight of the mattress chunks sitting around the house getting Leon in all sorts of trouble and early bed times.  "LOOK GRANDMA!!!  If I jump from the railing up there, I'll bounce off the four stacked up cushions and land on the couch!"  


He reminds me of stories my SIL's husband tells of his youth on a farm and adventures of making his own parachutes and trying them out from the barn loft door.

I'm such a spoil sport.  And yet my grandson is still alive... :)  Good!
I need to do something with these cushions before I'm told to pitch them...

AND looking forward to seeing Maddy and Matthew this weekend!  Not sure if they'll try out our new "guest" room (recently emptied out by Meri) or Leon's room, which has poop sheets on the bed. I guess I'll be changing the sheets anyway, but can always wash these and pop them back on if I want to shock them!

Leon loves them and whatever keeps him in his own bed, I'm all for it!  

Ok - enough ramble...  ON WITH THE DAY!  Have a good one!  


Michelle said...

Poop sheets! lol I thought I had seen all there was to see of this image at primary school.

slugmama said...

If I was his age I'd want poop sheets too!! lolz

Jane said...

You DO find interesting things online don't you! I love Leon's adventuresome nature - he's growing up in a superhero era...I have good memories of jumping out the upper floor window of somebody's barn into a haystack. Not much fun for the farmer, whoever he was, as the haystack got spread out pretty thin!


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