Friday, August 10, 2018

YEESSSSSS!!!!!! Bwa haha!

Since the end of May I've been wondering why no one has commented on my blog posts as I hadn't received email notifications for like ever!...  Until one day on our way back from Wisconsin on the hottest day of the year with no air conditioning, I noticed that you wonderful bloggy imaginary friends ARE in fact posting comments and I hadn't seen them because I don't actually visit my own blog to check comments...  After I saw the comments, I knew there was probably a way to fix it, but hadn't taken the time until today so I googled it.
Apparently Blogger had done an update (as a programmer, I totally get this) and it roached the email variable.  SO...  If you're having problems like this, do the following:

1) Click on your settings button (it's on the screen with the listing of all your posts)
2) Click on email (because now it will show below the word settings)
3) In the comment notification email box, you'll see your email address.  delete the email address.
4) Click SAVE
5) Put your email address back in that box
6) SAVE again

You'll get an email asking if that was truly you changing that email address.  Do whatever the email says to do.  

Then TEST!  Go to your blog post and write a quick comment on one of your posts.
IT WORKS!!!!!!


I feel all powerful today!

And that's when I noticed this on the stairs...  

It's probably been there all week since Meri hasn't been home once since the weekend.  We've been empty nesters all week also...  Plus Robb hates anything coffee, MIL doesn't climb those stairs and I'm too cheap to buy them for myself.  

It takes powerful feeling to notice things around here....  YIKES I need to clean!


SAM said...

We culd never be out of touch with you! I'm glad that is resolved.

Michelle said...

I've been here! Ok, somewhat sporadically, but still here. BTW, your stairs look so clean! lol

Jane said...

Look, you're getting comments!! Woohoo! I'd say the drink is now officially yours!

Southern Gal said...

Thank you for the heads up!!! I am going to try it now.


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