Wow. Christmas is over. I forgot to get pics of most of the things that I sewed... Maybe my children will send me pics of themselves with the items. Probably not.
I made Maddy, Meri and Jen shirts from the same pattern, various sizes. With the promise that if they needed me to take it in, I could. Better to be too big than too small. And they were all comfy shirts that would fit best looser anyway.
I was getting Ryan's old room set up for my sewing room. I was pretty certain I couldn't get my sewing machine or tables in there until probably February when he and Jen move into their new place, but I stored some fabric and sewing books on the shelves. Jen was over and saw this fabric in the room. She texted me and said that it was gorgeous! I asked her what she could see it become and she gave me some ideas, so I took one of the options of a tunic. She loves long flowy tunics! So that's why I selected the fabric below for hers.
Jen said that this is the same fabric they make Lularoe stuff out of. hmm. I think I got it at Walmart.
Maddy and Matthew have the same chairs as our extra dining room chairs. I'd gotten them at a garage sale somewhere years ago and 8 of them were stacked and ready for use any time. They got four of them when they got married. So I made them one chair cover. Only one. Partly because I wanted them to have input as to how they looked, partly because I only had enough fabric for one and partly because I didn't have time to make all of them... The fabric matches their couch. I may make them in a stretchy fabric instead but now that I've got some input, I'll tackle that next week.
I made Matthew a suit bag with handles and an extra pocket on the back. I made up the pattern based on this suit bag that I found online. It sells for $350. However I made it from a heavy duty canvas curtain that I had in my stash, so this one probably wouldn't sell for as much. I used two overly long zippers that I'd bought by the bulk when I was making the futon cover for Maddy's futon a while back. I cut them to fit. The suit bag I made doesn't have all the fancy leather bits, but I did put a little bit on the straps.
Ryan got a denim duffle bag because I usually see him carrying around one that I had made for Maddy from once upon a time. Her's had little frills and cutesy things on it. His new one does not. It's basic denim with a shoulder strap that I'd saved from some bag that had been destroyed a long time ago. The denim was from my stash as well. I purchased metal hooks for the straps.
And for the many nieces and nephews, I made a plethora of fleece fingerless gloves, tucked in a long candy cane and called it good. The kids liked them! You can play electronics in the cars and still keep your hands warm!
I made a purple poncho for Ada along with a pair of matching fingerless gloves. When I tried it on myself to see how it looked, I immediately broke out in a sweat and hot flash. PERFECT! Ada is ALWAYS cold! But it even made HER overheat when she tried it on. She might have to wait for the weather to get colder to truly appreciate it...
I cut out a shirt for myself yesterday. Sleeveless flowy top for the cruise. maybe. I also ordered some foldover elastic from Dana Marie to finish the neck and arm holes. I'll do a tutorial on it some day. So that top is on hold for a little while. And I'm scouring my stash for more possible shirts. The best ones will get picked for the trip.
Back to work. Enjoy the time warp week between Christmas and New Years!
simply amazing! Your family and friends are lucky to have you making their gifts.
I wish you had photos of the bags. I need to make one for myself! You are so talented.
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