Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Meeses and Mouses

Work was crazy busy yesterday!  I did get away for lunch with my bestie.  Her treat this time, but the rest of the day, I was glued to my computer.  AND at 5:30 when I was trying to log off, I realized that a minor issue was actually a major issue and I had to call my boss about it.  He was on a layover between flights...  We'll be discussing further today. 

Finally got downstairs and we had leftover Meri's birthday dinner.  There was plenty left.  I don't know if Robb took the rest for lunch today, but he should have.

Leon and I played a rousing game of MouseTrap.  My SIL brought a bag full of games that her daughter had outgrown, so Leon and I had a blast trying to trap each other in the trap.  The trap takes an hour to put together and 25 seconds to destroy...

Leon won.


Meri came over last night too and we started putting together the airline tickets for our trip out to America's Got Talent next month.  Probably should have done this months ago...

Thanks everyone for your kind words about my mom's health and the weird way our family deals with it.  I do appreciate it.  It's definitely a journey...

I hope to have a little time today to get some sewing done on the project.  Not sure though.  


Anne in the kitchen said...

My kids loved MouseTrap when they were younger. I remember it being a pain to set up but once set they/we played several games. I think it required an engineering degree from Georgia Tech to set the thing properly!

Michelle said...

Never played Mouse Trap! Kerplunk was always a favorite.


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