Wednesday, January 30, 2019

T Minus 24

Ah...   sub zero weather.  There is NOTHING like scraping the inside of the house windows  in order to see if the plow has been by.  Or like having your dog be sick in the night and having to go outside in the weather a LOT...  

My life is a thrill a minute.

Even though my husband will say that I'm getting more sleep than I say I've been getting, I didn't get much sleep last night.  Second night in a row.

So, a few hours later, the alarm went off at 6.  I reset it for 7 for a little more sleep.  That and a cold are kicking my patooty today.  Thank goodness there is no school today!  

So before I got going with work today, I got a science experiment together to do with Leon.  I boiled some water on the stove and let him select the food coloring to add to it.


Yep - my yard will look like a scene from Watership Down...

Whatever...  The red food coloring went in.

Leon recorded from inside and I took the pan of boiling water out.

Chunks of red ice and steam hit the gutters and clunked against the house.  It would have been hitting me if I'd gone to the deck corner.  But the wind was coming from a different direction that I'd anticipated.  

Look Ma!  No frostbite!

Anyway, he enjoyed it and later we'll try the way another sister recommended with bubbles.

Fun times!  I need a nap.

1 comment:

SAM said...

My daughter tried to get the freeing water thing going, but no luck even though -28 and brutal. She may try again later.


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