I was pretty impressed that he followed the rules except for one. Every time I sank one of his ships, he insisted on removing the ship and putting the hit indicators directly in the water. It showed that the ship was sunk and there was blood in the water.
It's only going to attract sharks... And take extra time.
Meri and I are headed to my hometown tomorrow and I only have one thing left to so today for that project.
Meri and I are headed to my hometown tomorrow and I only have one thing left to so today for that project.
Wish us luck.
When Leon gets back from his mom's this weekend, he wants to play Battleship with his grandpa. All of the ships will be bunched up in one corner of the board.
Apparently it's a new strategy that I've never heard of. Leon has invented it.
Have a great weekend, and sink those ships!
Alternative strategies win battles!
Ethan's favorite when he was young.
He's a thinker that Leon! Perhaps a future game inventor! You'll be glad to have your project done - I do wish you luck!
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