Thursday, March 28, 2019

Spring, Sprang, Sprung

So here are the pics of our Irish feast from one week ago today.  The leftovers are ALMOST gone.
Just a few more quarts of Colcannon left...

The birthday cake.

The cod cobbler that everyone raved over.

The shepherds pie.

The boiled cabbage, tatties and neeps, colcannon and probably the Dublin coddle in the bottom bowl.

Too bad we didn't get a pic before hand!  or of the table itself.
or the piled dishes after...

A few recipes were shared then.

The weather has been awesome...  Leon had a neighbor boy over earlier this week, so Ryan took them both down to the creek.  They had a blast and made tons of memories.

Leon's had two teeth fall out in the matter of just a few days.  He's giving the tooth fairy a run for her money! Even though he is adamant that the tooth fairy is not real.
Spoil sport...

Yesterday morning, the weather was just plain gorgeous!  In the 60s and it felt like SPRING!!!

So I cleaned out the four cars in our driveway.  They hadn't gotten a good working over all winter and a couple that haven't moved much had a lot of stuff shoved in them to get it out of the way.  So it all came inside and sorted.

Lookie what I found!!!  I knew Robb's bagpipe chanter was in one of the cars but since it was so cold, we didn't give the cars more than a cursory glance.  
So he had already ordered a new one.  It's very nice.

So when I was cleaning out the "sweetness" (we name our cars...) I found it underneath the seat.  And I mean WAY under behind a few water bottles, chip bags and a chicken nugget.

So there.  I've done my bit of spring cleaning.  When does the pool open?

Oh yeah... It WON'T this year.  Something about a crack.  shoot.  
I guess we'll be entertaining Leon with the garden hose and a bucket this summer...


Anne in the kitchen said...

I love finding stuff that I have already replaced__NOT!
Your meal looks delicious!

SAM said...

You are so good about creating memories out of everyday situations. I need to embrace life a bit more like this. Love the excitement of boys and water!


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