Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Mental Housekeeping

 I don't know if this happens to you...

But... I had some diet coke late in the afternoon on Sunday while I was sewing.  Kept drinking it most of the evening while I sewed. NO PROBLEM!

I was able to get to sleep without any issues, but my brain woke up around 1:30 and wouldn't shut up until at least 3.  In my mind, while I lay there with brain racing, I thought about housework that needed to get done.  I went through each housekeeping task in my head, as if that would do it. Made sense at the time.  So I cleaned my whole house top to bottom, "in my mind..." and frankly by Monday morning, I was exhausted!  Housework will do that to you.

Even if I'm only mental...

So then comes last night.  I got to bed at a decent hour even!!  SO ready for a good night's sleep.  Texted with Meri a little confirming our workout time in the morning and I was just drifting off when my phone beeped again.  I figured it was Meri but it was a work call.  uggggghhhh..  So I pulled on a robe and camped out in the living room trying to solve a problem that only happens randomly at night for these people.  But I was determined to figure out the issue this time so it won't interfere with my sleep again.  I even got my boss involved a few times, especially when I accidentally, singlehandedly brought their system to a screeching halt by accidentally moving some major files into a hidden folder...  whoops!  Boy was I hyperventilating!  Had to call my boss again to share and he was suddenly awake with heart palpitations too...  Good thing there was only 1 person in the lab and he didn't notice.  I worked and worked and finally got the issue resolved around 2:30am.  uggggghhhhh....
My boss gave me permission to come into work late today. umm was planning on it anyway! :)

But I woke up only an hour or so later than usual and even though every movement was sluggish, I was only late to work by an hour.  My boss had already warned my co-workers to be nice to me today. :)  It makes a difference!  So minimal sleep last night and no workout this morning, makes for a cranky woman.  I even had a double shot of my cappuccino as well as two big cups of hot tea and a whole bag of pork rinds so far.  There's some cold caffeine waiting for me when I get around to it.

What a day!

Oh, this is Leon's plate of ice that he was able to carefully carve around and clean off.  He winged it into the house wall shortly following this pic.  I had shared with him that when I was a girl, I'd sit in the snow and carve out my own china set for tea out of the ice layers on top of the snow.

Oh, Leon has discovered the Connect 4 game and he's developing his own strategy on beating Grandma.  It's basically keeping a watch on me and if I suddenly look nervous or happy about where he's going to drop his little plastic disc, he looks closer to see who might win.  I don't think it's a valid rule, but APPARENTLY this is called a "regret move".  If you drop a disc in and see that you might suddenly lose, you can back it out. He's gotten good at it, but his dad caught him doing it yesterday during our game and told him to knock it off.  I didn't care, but someone his own age would punch him in the nose.

For one game, he wanted to do a checkerboard pattern and I can see several wins on both sides here. Luckily we wouldn't playing "blackout" so it was just for fun.

And that's my Star Wars puzzle from New Years.  I'll get it done eventually.  I find 3 or 4 pieces in it each day.  At 1500 pieces, I'll have it done by next Christmas.

Whew... the day is halfway done!!  good.  However Robb and I are helping someone move tonight.  
I won't make the mistake of drinking caffeine after 5 again though!...
Even though I may really really really need it.
Eh - what'll it hurt?
I've got some housework that needs to get done.


SAM said...

I used to tell myself that drinking coffee and diet coke all day did not impact my sleep, but yeah, i was doing the waking up. ow I wake up because of het and thirst-then the aftermath of thirst! The puzzle looks interesting. Good luck with it.

Practical Parsimony said...

I drank Coke day and into the night and slept like a baby. then, i got old and suddenly caffeine was not working. Maybe you need to switch to caffeine free.


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