Thursday, June 9, 2022

But I don’t want to be a pirate!

Maddy and Matthew invited me up for last night and today.  I'm working from their guest room today and will head home tonight.  

I get to hang with my peeps grand pups all day as they sleep on the bed behind me.  So far so good for them!

Maddy made Robb's Bavarian pork loin for supper last night (delish!!) and Maddy and I are slowly getting to the point of series Virgin River that she hadn't seen already.  We'll get there eventually but not on this visit.  I make a guess at what's going to happen and she says coyly  in a sing songy voice, "I don't know..."  

Yes you do!!!  Why must you keep me in suspense!!!   
Probably because she doesn't do spoilers like I do.  accidentally...
And here's a spoiler.  The episode I'm on made me cry...

I'm slowly getting through the series Seinfeld again.  That series does NOT make me cry, but between laughing out loud or rolling my eyes at some of their situations, I'm cringing.  I still love the show, but so much of it must have gone over my head when I saw it when on the air. Maddy pointed out that almost all of their dastardly situations could have been avoided if they'd just had cell phones. (It's SO 1990s...) Well, MOST could, but not all.  Some of those situations could still happen today but not to me because I have a different set of morals. ;) 

Meri gets to take Reedus to work now!!! She got permission from her boss and now her shop has a new unpaid support dog!  He's enjoying the attention immensely and I'm so glad Meri can have him close by each day.  She works such long hours and Reedus needs more attention.  Plus she can sic him on mean customers and say, "If he's willing to chew his OWN leg up, just think what he could do to yours!"  

Just kidding.  He'd just beg to be petted and then drool all over them.  Reedus is his father's son.
Not sure what he's chewing on in this pic, but who's a happy boy?!  Reedus is!!!

And an old friend asked me to supper last weekend.  And we had so much fun laughing at the different filters on her phone.  She truly is a nut.  She's moving out east next fall/winter.  I'll miss her.

The sewing for the dresses for the wedding is coming along...  A wee bit more hand work on the bride's dress, with maybe more adjustments on the length of the hem... We'll see when she tries it on with her cowboy boots on Friday.

Three of the bridesmaid dresses are done completely, with one waiting for a fitting and one yet to be started on.  I need to corner Meri for her measurements before starting that.  If I'm still hemming hers on the morning of the wedding, so be it.  

I've got two weeks...

and speaking of weddings...

Happy Anniversary to Maddy and Matthew!  Today they're celebrating five years!

I just wish I'd brought a card for them.  I guess this is it.


I'm heading for home before they go out and celebrate tonight.
No one wants a third wheel on their anniversary date!!
But wouldn't that make a good episode for Seinfeld?


SAM said...

Lovely memory of their wedding. I remember how hard you worked on the reception. Lucky Reedus joining Meri at work. When did she end her child care business?

Kathy said...

Happy 5 year Anniversary to Maddy and Matthew! What a great picture! They look so happy.
Reedus does look like a happy boy. Is Meri a walking dead fan?
You have done a great job on the wedding dress. So sparkly. I hope you will show us the finished dresses.

Practical Parsimony said...

Pirate? I must be dense!


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