Wednesday, September 7, 2022

14 Ways to Catch Up

 Wow!  Almost 2 months.  Here's what I've been up to.

1) organized my sewing room #2.  The #1 sewing room needs to happen, but later.  It's in the garage.  out of sight, out of mind.  Until I need something from it.

2) I fell in the garage and landed hard on my left side.  My shoulder is in one of Robb's shoulder braces and I'm on pain meds.  It's JUST starting to feel better after almost a week.  The bruises on my elbows and under arms are turning a gorgeous puke color so I guess it's on the mend too.  My leg and side are fine now.  I'm seriously hoping there is nothing wrong with my rotator cuff, so now I wait.  I just found out that one of my sisters is having rotator cuff surgery soon.  I do NOT want to be her.

3) I need to mow.  The neighbors have mowed 3 times in one week to my measly 1.  And I thought the LAST neighbor's mowing habits were annoying...

4) I had one of the bridesmaid dresses in the Iowa state fair and I got an honorable mention!  And now it's tossed into the sewing room closet in a heap until I feel like dismantling it for a tree skirt for Ada or a daddy/daughter dance outfit for a niece.  After my experience, I definitely don't want to sew anything in lavender for a good long time.  At least until after Christmas.  

Leon and I went and spent a few hours at the fair so he could get a legit foot long hotdog.  He asked why I didn't order one for myself.  Um, I doubt you'll finish yours.  He ALMOST made it but left 4 inches of it for me.  See?!  

5) I did some mending on clothes for Matthew and Meri recently and now that the sewing room is the way that I want it, sans fresh paint, I actually cut out a couple tops for myself!  A few of my favorites have got so much pilling on them that I only wear them when mowing or walking super early in the mornings when no one will see it up close.  I need some new clothes as I haven't sewn for myself for at least 2 years now and my favorite clothes are now Robb's old clothes.  I can't always wear his sweatshirts.  It's going to be in the mid 80s today.

6) I've done a lot of canning and only recently decided to switch up one of my standbys.  I can a lot of black beans to be made into refried beans for our family Taco Tuesdays.  And really that's all I use it for at the moment.  So I decided to add onions and other seasonings and use broth instead of water.  THEN when I want to make refried beans, dump the contents out into a colander and drain off some of the liquid, saving it just in case.  Then dump the contents into the food processor and puree it up, adding some of the liquid if it's TOO dry.  and baking for at least 30 minutes at 350.  I tried it out last night for the first time when one of them didn't seal and it turned out pretty good, in my estimation!  No one complained and it was mostly eaten.

7) I bought a rotisserie chicken from Sam's on Sunday and decided to debone it this morning.  Got the bones in the IP for some broth and will jar it up to can this afternoon.

8) lunch today with Ada and company!  Meri is going to come along.

9) Meri's cat had kittens a couple weeks ago.  Super cute little things.  She's got  a few people lined up to take a few of them so far for when they're old enough.  If you want one, let me know and I'll pass on your info to her.  She's also got 1 or 2 from the last litter that need homes too.

10) Maddy and Matthew invited us to Zola's birthday party next week!  I'm excited!  I'm trying to decide which size carat carrot to give her as a gift.  I've been told no money.  Apparently Zola doesn't handle money very well. It tastes funny.  Maddy had gotten a book on Dog parties and is going to do it up right!  It will be a party that Zola will long remember! :)  And so will we.

11) I've been invited to my first Quinceanera in another week or so.  I have NO idea what to wear but will see what I've got.  Maybe the outfit I wore to Maddy's wedding.  Not sure if it still fits, but we'll see.

12) Our garage fridge died last spring and I really needed another.  I finally took Meri's advice and checked out the refrigerators behind Menards.  These are ones that Menards hauls away for you after they install your new fridge.  They're only $30 and it's a buy at your own risk kind of thing.  However, if it doesn't work, you can bring it back and trade it for another one.  This bedazzled one worked!!!  I've even got food in it at the moment!!  WOOHOO!!!  SOLD!

13) Leon started school a couple weeks ago and we finally got around to the 1st of the year pics.  Isn't he handsome?

 14) I didn't want to end it on 13 items, so let's see...  I did some work in the garage also.  Oh yeah, that's when I tripped and hurt myself.  I haven't been back out there except to stick stuff in the fridge and do a garbage run.

OK, that's what I've been up to.  Enjoy the rest of your day!


Practical Parsimony said...

Oh so sorry about the rotator cuff! Have you had it examined to see if that is what happened? I have torn both rotator cuffs and will never have surgery, but that is just me.

I love the refrigerator and the price and returnability.

SAM said...

Oh no, Val! My SIL has hurt her rotator cuff and end d up having surgery. I hope your healing is better. I won't ask about the bridesmaids dresses- sounds like a painful subject.

Kathy said...

Hope your shoulder is feeling better!
Congratulations on the ribbon at the fair. I'm glad you got something out of that ordeal anyway...all that work and time in those dresses.
Glad Leon had fun at the fair and got a yummy hot dog too.
Great deal on the fridge, and I hope it lasts a good long time.
Happy birthday to Zola; hope she enjoys her doggy party. Post pics please. :)


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