Friday, October 4, 2024

Ketchup and Cabooses

 Wow!  Since July?!  A lot has happened.  

If I tried to get caught up with a post for each, I'd never get it done.

I lost 47 pounds JUST in time for the cruise!  I'm hovering around 45-47 pounds off since. For example, we're out of chips so today is a salad day!  Judging from these pics, I could stand to lose another 20 but that's for another day.

I went on the cruise with Leon, Meri and her bf Ryan, and two sisters (a BIL, nephew and his fam) and an aunt.  It was a lot of fun, a lot of money and a LOT of food!  Will show more pics later when I feel like it.

The gang

The MSC island, super early in the morning.  We were the ONLY ones on the beach until my niece-in-law showed up! SO beautiful!

Leon FINALLY at the water park on the cruise ship.

Teresa and I. We found that they were at the airport at the exact same time as us on the way back!  Leon and I were waiting for food at the food court and he saw them. Hey, isn't that your sister?! HA! 

The weekend that we got back from the cruise, we threw Aggie her FIRST birthday!!!  Her actual birthday was the week before but the cruise...  so they didn't do the party until the next week and that worked out great for me!  Her other grandparents were there too and lots of aunts and uncles and friends.  

At the party, Ryan and Jen announced that they'd been secretly married for the last two weeks! WHA???  Only Leon and Meri knew.  They had attended a Creed concert and took a friend along that can perform weddings and said "I do!" JUST as the song "With Arms Wide Open" started!  So I'd been calling her my daughter-in-law for so long already, it felt natural.  I have 3 daughters now!

I went to the Iowa State Fair with my sister, Kristin, and her kids. So much fun, so little time.  I was also dogsitting in Mason City so I couldn't be gone too long. We made every second count.  Oh and I got NO ribbons for my entries. Oh well.  NEXT year.

My nephew, Brae, and me found a photo booth!  He's a crack up!

Leon started school here this year and appears to be doing fine and making lots of friends.  Only one note from a teacher so far about him not participating very much in class but he's been talked to about that by his dad.  He started learning the flute and with the band playing along with him, he decided that it's not for him. He can't hear himself play and can't tell if he's actually playing the note or not.  So we're trying to track down a clarinet.  Meri has one packed away somewhere and she'll find it this weekend I hope!  But boy oh boy, he knows how to make the flute work if he's the only one in the room!  oh well.

We've had lots of car problems/expenses in the last few months.  I think we're through the worst of it, but I think Ryan's car needs brakes now.  sigh.  It's ALWAYS something!  Our car guy either loves or hates us.  I'm not sure which and afraid to ask.  His wife just keeps taking our money so okey dokey.  It must be LOVE!

I'm painting the guest room this weekend, starting over lunch today.  My bestie from NC is coming in less than 2 weeks for a visit!!!!  I can't wait!  and the guest room is full of my sewing equipment and still has the paint job I did for the girls in 2005.  It's time.  We're going to hit our favorite Mexican restaurant and hang around in Des Moines before taking her to the airport that Friday.

Tomorrow, I'm going to watch Dirty Dancing with my other bestie, Ada, at the nursing home.  It's her favorite movie and I gave her the decision of what we should watch.  My mistake!  We've already watched it twice this year alone.  That's ok.  I'll just keep singing along with the songs.  And I'll start thinking about suggestions for the next movie.

Thinking about taking Leon to the new PG13 Monster movie this weekend.  I need to make sure it's ok with his dad before I talk to Leon about it.  But that could be a fun outing!

Anyway, back to work.  I've got one more miracle to pull out of my caboose before the weekend!

1 comment:

Linda said...

I wish I had just lost 46 pounds! Lots of big things have happened in your world this summer!


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