Thursday, March 20, 2025

Caving for the kid

 The St. Patrick's Day feast was a lot smaller this year as the kids didn't want me to have too many leftovers.  But in the process, we didn't have enough leftovers to send to my bestie and her husband, so I've got another corned beef in the IP today and they're getting some shepherds pie that I'd frozen and maybe a fresh loaf of bread.  Ada will get to go home and enjoy it with her husband this weekend. :)

It's spring break this week for the boy!!  So he and I made a trip to Hannibal, MO to visit the Mark Twain caves.  A 4 hour drive, a 4 hour drive...  He was awake until 4am that night, because he can... and then slept most of the way there and back.  To keep me awake, I listened to talk radio and ate almost a half box of mini Reeses puffs cereal.

I won't even tell you how many little bits of it I pulled out of my collar at each rest area we stopped at.

AND he and I should probably never have seen that caving slasher movie a few months back.  I was the last in the line of people on the tour with pure darkness behind us and no lights in the cave except our souvenir flashlights.  I kept turning around to flash it behind us, freaking myself out even more.

Eventually someone with a small child ended up at the rear and I figured if they screamed, it'd be a good warning for me to run. or at least be a slasher buffer.

We got to the grounds JUST as they were loading up for the tour, so there was JUST enough time to use the restrooms and get in on the tour we wanted!  Two more minutes and we'd have to twiddle our thumbs for 1.5 hours until the next tour.

The Cameron cave was beautiful!  I didn't want to spend another $60 for the actual Mark Twain cave, because Leon is now 13...  If he was only 12 still.  sigh. and knew how to lie about his age... sigh.

Besides, he didn't even know who Mark Twain was, much less Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn or Jesse James.

I'm nothing if not a money saver!!!

There was a small tunnel that joined to another passageway and the kids or anyone who wanted to got to crawl through with the guide bringing them back around.  Leon wanted to do it and tried to talk me into it too. 

Um nope - I'm very protective of my knees.  I want to hang onto them long enough to have Medicare pay for bionic ones.

We got back to the gift shop and Leon chose a geode to crack.  Yeah, his shirt and hair are messy, but oh well.  He had just woken up. and no hairbrush in the car. and climbed through a tunnel.


We got DQ blizzards for the drive home and he slept 3 hours after he was done eating.
Yay!  More cereal and talk radio for me!!!


slugmama said...

I know who Jesse and Frank James are! My 5th cousins, 4 x removed.

Kathy said...

Sounds fun!!
I like caves although that tunnel might have been a little too cramped for me. Glad Leon enjoyed it.


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