Friday, May 18, 2018

Throwing Noodles

Ryan and I went to Leon's Track and Field day yesterday. I got a call from Meri asking if she could come over too and she got permission from the high school to also.  Yay!  So those two are in sweatshirts on an 83 degree day... 
Well, it IS Iowa, so who knows from one minute to the next?...  

Leon was pretty thrilled that we were lined up at the fence to see him.  

First for him was the noodle throw.  Because who in their right mind would give a javelin to a kindergartner?...

I think he won in the kindergarten division!

Then he waited his turn for the long jump.

and waited...


He wasn't too bad! 

Ryan started getting overheated, but we waited until Leon's 50 meter dash.  He eventually went up to the van and watched from there in the coolness of air conditioning.  About 8 kids at a time ran.  Leon's group started off and  he was in the tail.  He loped and jogged into last place.  I THOUGHT I had a video of it, but can't find it on my camera...  darn!  It was hilarious!

Kind of reminded me of Monty Python skit, but I won't say which one.
"as he loped into last place"...

Afterwards, Leon got to come home with us and he and his daddy had some bonding while I got back to work.

The painting continues.  The fence is a BEAST!  and my hands look like my mom's used to look... 
I always remember her fingernails covered with either paint or wood stain.  Of course, not ALL the time, but when I look at my hands, I think of her. 
Yep - we're related.


Jane said...

Noodle throw lol! He's going places, that kid.

SAM said...

I wish I was teaching again-noodle throw is ingenious.

Michelle said...

Noodle throw?!!! Might have to add that to our field day "experience"! lol GO LEON!

Anne in the kitchen said...

Whoever came up with the noodle throw is a genius! Glad the day was fun


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